Our Updates and Announcements Page
It's crazy! It's horrifying! It's gotta be illegal! They've added more to this page! And now you can find out what...
smile...someone luvs you
Send Megan and Becca e-mail here.
I put *some* Christnas decorations up. (oh, now, we are NOT  done yet!) I couldn't find the lights! They'll be here, don't worry. By the way, our site has now been in existance
for over a year! yay us! :) that is all.
Happy Birthday (it was yesterday) to m'sweetie, Andy, and I added another poem. `becs
7 more original poems under poetry, all by your's truly :)
5, methinks, more poems are up, 4 of which are mine, and I added a slight blurb in the soap box. ~becs~
I added two new poems of mine, and a big ole thang on my soapbox site. ~beckie~
Another poem, more on me, and another member of KAPtb. ~becs~
And my two new poems are up...:) Becca
The soapbox/me area has been updated. A lot o' junk there. After I finish playing with our new baby ferrets (Casper and Misty Marie), I have some poems to throw onto the poetry page. ~becs~
At around 3 am this morning, I updated my soapbox again.  also put a link up for the daily onion on the links page. I'm all pissed that we get so few hits (and I don't even know how few, since the damn counter quit and I just replaced it today) so I signed us up for a million search engines and whatnot. ~becs~
Make this #3...linked Meg's thinger, put up some forwards, and some other schtuff. ~becca~
Updated Outta the mind o' me on Becca's Soapbox. *gives self a cookie* Some songs and some other schtuff. Also about to go link Meg's asshole theory. ~becca~
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DONNY! He's 16....cookadelic.
Anywho, updates...more supporters of KAPTb, and I added a poem I wrote on my little car trip to IL, which you'll hear me rant about soon. ~becs aka red~
8-golly-what is-today-anyways-00
Okay, so Megan doesn't know what day it is. Big deal. I think it might be...um, the 11th, maybe. I dunno, you tell me. Anyways, I took down ALL the 4th of July decorations (at least I think I got them all...), did some general rearranging and maintenace, and added the Adventures of Muffy & Buffy page. Should be intresting.
Added some stuff to my featured sites page....added more links to the links page...um, hella lots more under "out of the mind o' me", and all of the links on the soapbox page except streetwise are working (porno newsies, why public schools help america, and the ethical revolution)
I added a bunch of links to my Ritalin info, as well as another theory of mine under my soapbox page. A few more will be added before tomorrow on dating, religion, and whatnot....
(4th and final time today)
I added a drawing, my fave monologue page under the soapbox, found an "update" icon, added a featured site page, and found some spiffy RHPS midi.
(for the third time)
I've finally semi started my research on ritalin....my RHPS lips are on the soapbox page. I decorated for the 4th o' July, added some hatemail (lol, ty Alex), and I've uploaded some spiffy midis. Geo's being shitty right now, so I can't finish my updating, but there should be some more hella soon!
I added Becca's Soapboxes. It's a site where I can voice my opinions and whatnot (a lot of my insecurities are there) and I've put up some of my stories and reports from school...they're actually interesting and worth reading, or so I've been told.
It's...been awhile, eh? I added a new poem of mine to the poetry page and fixed up the main page a bit. Took off a bunch of useless things that take forever to load. I'll be updating a lot, hopefully, if I can get some ideas.
The Easter decorations are down, and I haven't put anything else up...what else IS there?? I wish someone would write us some hatemail...*hinthint* ;-l I guess I'll have to think of something objectionalble to do first though, eh? I'll ponder that one.
4-1-00 (later)
I put up a Blossom PPG picture and I put up some Easter decorations.
Happy April Fools Day everybody!! 29 more days to my birthday!!  I put up my profile for all to see...I'm so bored!!! (Spring Break) but then, bored is good sometimes!! Well that's it for now...And I'm getting to be more perky, Becca!! :-)  <--yucky nose!!  Don't ask.  Well ttfn! Toodeloo! or however you spell it...
Well, Meggsie's quite perky when it comes to our site, eh? I added my perosnal shrine to Tooch, my newest obsession. Ooh, and let's not forget my bitch award on the gripes page. Lets see, I think I did something else. Aah, yes...I moved things around on the front page. I have things for the poetry contest, which happens to end on my birthday, methinks. 10 more days. Hey, I learned to officially drive today! Woo-hoo! Anyway, if you wanna read those stories, send us a letter, we'll chuck 'em your way. I also have links to stories I've written about my fave movie, Newsies. When my comp gets back on track with it's coloring, I'll be opening up a banner/graphics design site. For free. No cha-ching for stuffies.
Oo, and if you actually read this stuff, it helps to read a few past updates for our little announcements. I also fixed some links, well one, to Shady's page. And added a link for thespark.com Awesome site. I've started rps lately for irish myth, assassins, newsies, disturbing behavior, snowboarding, buffy, etc...so let me know if you're interested at [email protected]
We definitely need new stuff.  This page is getting lamer by the minute if you ask me.  Anywho, today I added some more web lingo that had been added in our guestbook, and um, tried to straighten some other crap out, too.  This page is getting kinda sucky.
Changed some stuff around just for the heck of it...we need new stuff.  If anyone has any ideas for stuff to put up, e-mail us ( [email protected] ) and let us know...help make this better. Thanx!!!

Well, since Becca is being so LAZY...and since I finally figured out how to do this...I've been doing some updates.  I added the Poll yesterday...vote for the most annoying people.  Truly inspired, I think.  I also went around to all the pages and fixed all the spelling/grammar/spacing errors I could find.  That stuff annoys the crap out of me.  If anyone finds anything I missed, please e-mail us. Thanx.
Well, the Christmas decorations are down. Everything's back to nnormal, well, as normal as it could really be. I should probbely judge the poetry contest entries and all that jazz, but hell-I'm lazy.
Getting updates in before the Millenium. ;p All that Y2K crap...*snort* Anywho...KAPTb is now 22 supporters strong, and some new links are up. Soon you'll be able to get your own ChiquitaChix.zzn.com e-mail addy.
More gripes...probably a link or two...we'll see. megan's actually decided to help out now. ;p stay tuned for info on KAPTb donations welcome.
Hola! I added some more gripes...look for more updates throughout the next 2 weeks. BTW-I'm looking for info on renalin or however you spell it. Please let me know if you know of anything I could use for a report. Reminder: the poetry contest closes soon. Get your entries in! And I'm a putz...I lost the e-mails to people who submitted things, so you'll need to check back on your placings. Anyone know of a good place to get awards/banners? You may also meet the voices in our heads...and read hatemail!
Aw, I added some Christmas cheer to the main page, and someone took up my offer and sent in a new gripe...polls, poetry, a webring, ficiton...tons of stuff on the way after my comp stops being a be'atch! ~becca~
((slightly later, after I escaped from holiday relatives))
Okers, I added a bunch of forwards, a poem on the normal poetry page and a few more poem entries. I have fan fics, more e-mail lists, polls, and adoptions on the way ;) ~bec~
Happy Turkey Day all you peeps....I know it's been while since I've updated...sawy....anywho...I changed the music on the fornt page, added a gripe page, and some drawings sent me in...throughout the day I plan on adding more entries to the contest, more forwards, better midis, and I have more entries for the fiction contest to put up. ;)  ~becka~ ((yes, for the momenti've changed the way i spell my name...hehe))
ooh, p.s. lately my backrounds haven't been working. is anyone else seeing this?
Heya peeps....the forwards page has a bunch of stuff added, and visit an offbranch of this site,
Burton Military Academy ~becca~
I added some forwards and an insanity test. It's hella funny...um, look at the pic on the forwards page...~becca~
Geeze, it's been awhile...I added some new links, changed the main page slightly, and added some more e-mail lists. Those are worth checking out. Plans: webring, more links, lists, forwards, drawings, adoptions,  an advice page, Becca's 'diary', more poetry, etc...send stuff in for the contests!!!
Check out Ukranian Captives on the front page. Geeze, does Muffy scare me...I also added a new poem in the contest page.
I added a forwards page for e-mail forwards, and a bunch of new stuff on the games page. ~becca~
Well, the poetry contest is underway. Check out the first 6 entries. Also-very important! Our e-mail has been changed to
[email protected] Stay tuned for more updates throughout the night. ~becca~
I added a poetry contest, and a writing contest. See the main page for more details. I also added a new ribbon. :) ~becca~
I added some webrings (beware-they look like crap) and some poems. I was poking around the web and applied for some awards. We'll see hot that goes. I'm gonna go nap-nap now...i'm sure i'll update later in the day ~becca~
(even later)
I added music to a bunch of the pages and some more poems...~becca~
I added four poems on the poetry page...~becca~
I added a page for links to all the dancing sites, a chat room, and on the 'stuff' page, I added a 'send your own greeting cards' button, a search engine, and a way for you to tell your friends about our site. I also added some cool links. c-ya! ~becca~

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