~Brandon Lee~
"People used to think that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes... only sometimes the crow brings that soul back to set the wrong things right." Sarah- The Crow
Full name: Brandon Bruce Lee

Date of birth: February 1, 1965 in Oakland, California USA

Died: March 31, 1993

Parents: Father: Bruce Lee.  Mother: Linda Emery Lee Cadwell ( poor girl, she lost her whole family...)
             Fiancee: Eliza Hutton

Movies:   The Crow (1994), Curse of the dragon (1993), Rapid fire (1992), Showdown in little Tokyo (1991), Laser mission (1990), Kung Fu: the next generation (1987)

As we all guessed, as soon as Brandon learned how to walk, Bruce started teaching him Martial Arts.
Brandon made his American feature film debut in showdown in little Tokyo for Warner Brothers in which he played a policeman.

I haven't seen the Crow #2 and #3, but i've heard that they weren't great. I know that if Brandon was still alive, those movies would kick @$$. On March the 31st, he was injured while filming a shooting take in The Crow. A tip from a "dummy round" (a prop bullet that has no gun powder) had lodged in a gun and was subsequently ejected from the barrel when a black cartridge was fired. Brandon died hours later at the Wilmington Hospital.
It's just really sad how both him and his father died at very young ages (one at 32, the other at 28), and at the time that they were finally becoming more popular.
Brandon played a spectacular role in The Crow and if you've never seen the movie... O.o  go watch it Right Now!
And i just have to say... the guy had the coolest voice ever.

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