Tank, Mk V
WW I British Tank
The Mk V was a major step forward in tank design, providing for the first time a vehicle that could be driven and steered by one man, thus removing the need for two gearsmen. In addition to the Wilson epicyclic gearbox which provided this improvement, a purpose built 150hp engine was designed by the engineer Harry Ricardo, this was thus the first engine specifically designed for a tank. 

 The Mk V was further modified by the addition of a six foot body section to increase the length of the vehicle. This was a modification intended to improve the trench crossing capabilities of the tank, as well as increase stowage capacity. The new vehicle was designated Mk V*, and this trend was confirmed by production of a further modified version, the Mk V**. The Mk V**, unlike the Mk V* never saw action, but was used experimentally after the war. The only surviving example is on display at the Tank Museum, Bovington. It differs from the MkV* in external details, but, more significantly, by having the engine situated further back towards the centre of the vehicle, thus improving the nose-heaviness of the Mk V*.

Mk V 

 The vehicle shown is a male, having two short barrelled six pounders as main armament. 


Inside the Mk V 

 Showing the 150hp Ricardo engine 

The Ricardo Engine 


The Ricardo Engine 


Mk V* 

 A composite image from pictures supplied by Mike Kendall - thanks Mike. Interior views sometimes available on Mike's pages (depends what the subjects of the month are) here 

 This vehicle is on display at the Patton Museum, Fort Knox 

Mk V** 

 At The Tank Museum, Bovington 

Mk V** 

 Driver's & Commander's seats 

Mk V** 

 The Ricardo engine 

Mk V** 

 Female sponson 

 - 1925
(pre-GS 'A' number designations)

1925 - 1945 non-a numbered (named only) vehicles

General Staff 
 A-Number List 1925-1945 

Post 1945 FV Numbers

Post WW2 vehicle with no FV number

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