Mike has been saved from The Tall Man's grasp but while he was being experimented on, Mike underwent some sort of odd transformation that is very frightening and could mean something very bad and downright evil. He drives away from Boulton and drives down to Death Valley, hoping to escape the transformation that is taking place inside him. Meanwhile, Reggie has been "nailed" to a wall in the Boulton Mausoleum by The Tall Man's silver Spheres. Tim is missing and Rocky has drove out of Boulton. As for Jody, unknown. The Tall Man returns once again, but oddly enough, let's Reggie go. Reggie takes his HemiCuda and before he can drive out, Jody returns and warns Reggie that Mike needs him because he's the only protection he has. Mike in the meantime has a wonderful memory of the last perfect day before The Tall Man came and destroyed his life forever. Soon, The Tall Man catches up with Mike, but doesn't seem to want to kill him. Rather, he's just "experimenting" or something like that. Reggie later has a battle with a Demon Trooper, an Alien Cop who works for none other than The Tall Man. Reggie kills him and drives off, searching for Mike. Mike soon has flashbacks of his previous encounters with The Tall Man and suddenly comes across the Spacegates. He steps through one and it takes him to an odd place. He is in a room where there are weird experimentation tools and an odd device next to the "Spacegate" with a switch. Mike then steps out of the room and outside, he meets The Tall Man. Or does he? Because this particular Tall Man likes to offer his visitors Lemonade and have a nice chat with them. This isn't really The Tall Man at all. It's Jebediah Morningside. Mike is shocked at what he has seen and steps through the "Spacegate" and leaves the Dimension he was in. Reggie drives his 'Cuda and comes across Jen, an attractive woman, who is trapped in her car that has flipped over and is just minutes away from exploding. Reggie rescues her in time and gets her to safety. Mike, while still shocked at the Dimension he traveled to, bumps into Jody who tells him about what really happened to him. Jody wasn't really killed. He was taken by The Tall Man and transformed into an Alien form. Back to Reggie & Jen. They both find an old Motel room and stay there for the night. Reggie has a very weird and frightening nightmare that he is lost and meets with Mike, only Mike looks just like The Tall Man. As he awakes from the dream, it turns out that Jen is another Minion of The Tall Man. Reggie takes down the Spheres and kills Jen. Mike is still desperate to learn the mysteries and sources of The Tall Man, and is trying to stay alive in the process. Reggie drives down Death Valley and grabs some weapons to help him on his mission. Armed with his infamous Quadruple-Barreled Shotgun, Colt Army Issue Handgun, and a lethal Switchblade, he's ready to take down The Tall Man for good. He finds a Hearse similar to the one Mike was driving when he escaped from Boulton. Reggie runs into some nasty Dwarves but takes them down. Cut back to Mike, who is in the Dimension with Jody that contained Jebediah Morningside, The Tall Man's friendly, non-evil alter ego. Mike learns how The Tall Man came to be. Jebediah was a Mortician and wanted to learn how to possibly revive Corpses. He gained access to an unknown Dimension and stepped through. He never returned, at least not as himself. The Tall Man came, and that's when all the horror began. Mike escapes with Jody out of the Dimension. Jody suddenly becomes evil and attempts to attack Mike with a lethal saw Sphere. Mike takes his "Brother" down but is later taken by another Jody, who apparently is another Minion of The Tall Man. Mike kills Jody and escapes from The Tall Man. He meets up with Reggie who tries to fight The Tall Man but is taken down (but fortunenately not killed). The Tall Man suffers an attack from a Sphere Mike made. The Sphere triggers the Hearse's engine and explodes, taking The Tall Man with it. Just then another Tall Man returns and removes a gold Sphere that was implanted in Mike's head. This new Tall Man steps through the Spacegate. Reggie goes after him, while Mike has a vision. Will Mike make it and will Reggie possibly solve the rest of the mysteries of The Tall Man? We can only hope so, because their our only hope of Survival for Humanity...

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