United States of America
Department of the Navy
Submarine Command, Pacific
Summary: War Patrols of the USS COBIA, SS 245 Pacific Theatre of Operations, WW II
COBIA (SS-245) . Launched 28 November, 1943, Electric Boat Company, Groton, CT. Commissioned 29 March, 1944. Lt. Cdr. A.L. Becker, commanding. Arrived Pearl Harbor from New London, 3 june, 1944.
26 June, 1944. Began First War Patrol. Set course for Bonin Islands.
13 July, sank Japanese freighter.
17 July, sank Japanese freighter.
18 July, sank Japanese freighter.
20 July, surface gun battle with three small armed vessels. Sank all three. Sustained damage to Cobia    from ramming. Continuing patrol.
5 August, sank converted 500 ton yacht. Took one survivor prisoner.
14 August, put in to Majuro for refit.
6 September, 1944. Began Second War Patrol. Set sail for Luzon Straights.
22 October, rescued and took prisoner two survivors of Japanese ship sank by USN sub.
Multiple sightings and attacks from enemy aicraft during patrol.
5 november, put in at Fremantle for refit.
30 November, 1944, began Third War Patrol. Bound for South China Sea.
12 December, 1944 to 8 January, 1945, recon of Balabac Straight
14 January, engaged and sank Minelayer YURISHIMA off SE Coast of Malay. Attacked by enemy bomber, submerged to evade.
15 January, rescued and took prisoner two Japanese sailors adrift on raft. Suffered extreme exposure, at see for forty days.
24 January, refit at Fremantle.
4) 18 February, 1945, began Forth War Patrol, headed for Java Sea.
26 february, engaged 2 Japanese Sea Trucks in a running surface battle Took heavy machine-gun fire. Sank both vessels. S1C Ralph Huston Killed in Action on 20MM Gun. Buried at sea. RADAR equipment damaged.
4 March, put in to Fremantle to repair RADAR.
8 March, Sailed back to Java Sea.
8 April, rescued 7 crewmen from downed USAAF bomber.
15 April, refit in Subic Bay, Phillipines.
8 May, VE DAY!!!
9 May, 1945, Fifth War Patrol, Gulf of Siam.
14 May, Mothers Day. Attacked cargo vessel. Engaged by Destroyer Miesweeper. Attacked with depth charges. Attack severe and prolonged. Cobia driven 20 feet into sea floor.
8 June, attacked convoy. Sank a tanker and the Landing Craft HAKUSA.
18 June, put in Fremantle for refit.
18 July, Sixth War Patrol. Headed for the Java Coast with priority passengers onboard.
27 July, inserted  ingtelligence commando teams at locations on Java coast. Sailed to Formosa for lifeguard duty in support of air operations.
15 August, VJ DAY!!!!
22 August, ordered to Saipan.
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