Creamy Carrot Soup 2 large chopped onions 4 tablespoons butter 1 pound shredded carrots 4-6 cups chicken stock 1/2 cup uncooked rice 4 shallots or small green onions, minced 1-2 tablespoons dried chervil 1/3 cup orange juice 1 cup heavy cream Or just milk if that's all you've got 1/2 cup sour cream nutmeg Saute onions in butter until translucent. Add carrots & toss over medium heat until wilted. Add chicken stock & bring to boil. Add rice, shallots, chervil, salt & pepper. Simmer 40 minutes. Puree & bring back to boil (okay, so the puree part is hard too -- careful, don't burn yourself!!!). Take it off heat & add oj, cream, sour cream & dust with nutmeg. salt & pepper to taste