PICKLED ONIONS 2 pints cider vinegar 1/4 oz cinnamon sticks 1/4 oz whole cloves 1 dozen peppercorns 1/4 oz mace 1/4 oz whole allspice 2 bay leaves Tie spices in a small piece of muslin, place in vinegar and allow to steep for about 1 to 2 months for a good flavor. Place vinegar and spices in a glass or china bowl standing in a pan of water. Cover bowl, bring water to boil, remove from heat. Allow to get quite cold - at least 2 hours. Select small, even-sized onions. Place without peeling in a brine made from 1 lb salt to 1 gallon of water. Place a plate on top to keep onions submerged. Leave 12 hours, peel and place in fresh brine for 24 hours. Drain thoroughly, pack into screw-top jars, and cover with cold, spiced vinegar which should be half an inch above onions. Cover securely with vinegar-resistant tops. For best flavor keep about 3 months before eating.