Pickled Eggs I got this recipe from a bar tender in Kentucky nearly twenty years ago, I've seen variations of it everywhere, unusual, but.. **TRY IT YOU'LL LIKE IT 2 dozen eggs 5 cups Cider vinegar 2 tablespoon black peppercorns 1 tablespoon Whole allspice 1/2 tablespoon Mace 1/2 tablespoon Coriander seeds 1/2 tablespoon Cardamon seeds 1/2 tablespoon Cloves 10 Small hot red peppers 3 tablespoons Sugar Boil eggs in simmering water -15 minutes. Place eggs in cold water, remove shells and pack into sterilized jars; In a kettle - combine vinegar, spices and sugar. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour hot liquid over hard-boiled eggs. Place lid on jar and store in refrigerator when cooled. USE WITHIN THE MONTH