Zucchini-Carrot Bread 3 eggs 1 cup oil 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup chopped walnuts (Or another nut if you prefer) 2 cups sugar 1 tsp salt 2 1/2 cups shredded zucchini 1 1/2 cup shredded carrot 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp baking soda 3 tsp cinnamon 2 1/2 cups flour Beat at eggs oil and vanilla togethe In a seperat bowl mix together sugar,salt,baking,soda and cinnamon Add Zucchini,carrots,nuts and blend throughly Add rest of dry ingredients ,mix throughly Pour into two 9X5 greased and floured loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for slightly over an hour