Charles Reed's Works on the Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Free Website Translator . . . . .   

Essays (Editorials) in the magazine Reflections -
Prayer of Thanksgiving: A Secret of Happiness
Divine Puzzles -Mysteries of Book of Job

Julian of Norwich: A Mystic for Our Times. - We are living in times, in which we may see "deeds evil done in our sight and so great harms taken, that it seems it were impossible that ever it should come to good end."
The World Ends Every Day -80,000 persons die every day. They need your help! --- • Is Victimhood Necessary For Salvation? -
Think of Heaven -
Blood of the Covenant - circumcision, blood of animals, blood of Christ
Hope for Poor Sinners - do not be shocked at faults
Coldness - and the Legion of Victim Souls
No Vision Is Necessary -
Longing For Paradise -
Universal Atonement - How to improve our lives and save souls
Pride - so much sadness and misery in the world, because of pride -
Actions of Infinite Value -

Essays not in Reflections

A Prophecy Fulfilled - Ezechiel 34 has been accomplished
Three Days of Darkness and the Scriptures -

Are Animals in Paradise? -

Is the Church the Kingdom of God? -

• Letter of Ann Butler. With Commentary by Charles Reed -

Norwich and the Scriptures -
History Will Repeat Itself -
His Kingdom Will Come - Those who do not bend will break.
Is Victimhood Necessary for Salvation? -
St. Paul and St. Francis Were Victims -

Isidra: The Trail of Tears 

Novel With a Key (Roman a Clef) -

Mount Zion Revisited - PDF - Text -
Sequel: Delivered From Distress - Canticle of Isidra


A Treasury of Atonement - PDF -
Rosary Meditations from Mystical City of God - Agreda
Descent of Christ into Hell (Agreda) - Introduction by C.R.
Love and Marriage: A Symposium
Pleasures of Looking -G.K. Chesterton et al.
Animal Doppelgangers -see ch. 13 of Mount Zion Revisited
Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell
Life Offering: plus "The Truth about the Second Vatican Council"
Desert Fathers and Mothers. plus Gerard of Cologne, who lived more than a thousand years afterwards.
Catholic End Times Prophecies - Great Monarch, holy Pope, three days of darkness, etc.


Following His Footsteps, by Anselmo del Alamo
Faith is Greater than Obedience, by Albert Drexel. Translated by Elizabeth Cattana and Charles Reed
Catholic Book of Faith, by Albert Drexel. Last ch. only: Ten Commandments. 6th commandment. Adultery
Greatest Book of All the Ages
- Short catechism. Introduction to Sacred Scripture
Confidences of Jesus to a Priest, by Father Octavio. Translated by Jose Luis Acuña and Charles Reed
St. Michael's Well: Apparition of St. Michael to the Indian Diego Lazaro. 1631

Little Peter, by Peter D'Airelle. Appendix by Charles Reed.
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Laus Deo
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Notice: Charles Reed is the pseudonym of John Henderson Stansberry, a former religious brother in the congregation of the Franciscan Minims in Mexico City. In the year 1978, (one year before the death of Maria Concepcion), a tragic incident happened in the congregation. Many years later John still felt guilty about it, and determined to write a report. Eventually the document turned into a short book, named "Mount Zion Revisited." The pseudonym Charles was used to protect the good reputation of all persons involved.  Writings of Charles Reed also include translations and short anthologies that he made, and editorials of the magazine "Reflections from the Franciscan Minims" published in English in Mexico City from 1990 to 2005. The magazine had a circulation of about 300, in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa. Charles Reed lives near Mexico City. Contact: [email protected]
Mount Zion Revisited was written as a roman a clef (novel with a key), in order to make known controversial topics, and to report inside information about scandal and abuse of power, while protecting the good reputation of those involved, living and deceased.
A Prophecy of Mitar Tarabich -
Mitar Tarabich was a Serbian peasant who received many prophecies. More than half have been fulfilled.
20. "Among people of a nation far in the north, a little man will appear, who will teach men about love and compassion, but there will be many hypocrites around him, so that he will have many ups and downs. Not one of these hypocrites will want to know what is real human grace, but his wise books will remain, and all the words he will say, and then people will see how self-deceived they were.
Note. Andrew Krogstad was from Trondheim, Norway, in the far north. He emigrated to the USA, and married a Swedish woman from the north of Sweden. Andrew Krogstad's daughter and grandson were from Grand Rapids, Michigan, the far north of the USA. Andrew Krogstad's grandson became the father of John, who was from north California, far north of Mexico, now his permanent abode.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Writings . . . Wise books will remain . . . . . . . . . .
Atonement Booklets - Franciscan Minims . . . . . . Translated by Terry Kennis and C.R. . . . . .
The Truth about the Second Vatican Council - Was it a hoax?
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Franciscan Minims