The Last Roundup by Christie Golden
Spock negotiating with Klingons at Khitomer, few months after VI. Chancellor Azetbur calls Kirk. You saved my entire race. I owe you an honor debt.
Page 18 DIS jaj je The year and the day.
Kirk spurns it.
Klingons always repay honor debts
Klingon guttural consonant laden language
She smiled, showing sharp teeth
Brigadier Kerla, her right hand
One cannot decline such a thing
I have sworn the oath of DIS jaj je. I will honor it. No one can forswear me. She knew Kirk was a good person
Page 21 K’Rator, bird of prey
Blood red robes trimmed in black fur
Son of a black-hearted dog
My body is not thine
My heart is not thine
But my blade – yes, ah, yes
This I offer to thee
I offer to thy heart!
In this conflict shall I scream my battle cry
Death us but another foe to defeat
It is you who shall board the barge of the dead
In Dishonor is so great
That none shall remember your name!
Page 22 Karglak [m] most famous opera singer ever to have graced the planet Qo’noS. notorious for discourtesy to leading ladies
Page 24 Lamork, director Music Exchange.
Opera has long rich history on Qo’noS.
Spock suggested Uhura listen to Klingon opera.
What power it had, what grand sweeping stories it told.
Biting, especially around the mouth and face, is part of a Klingon mating ritual
Page 27 Dr. Q’ulagh works with McCoy and Fed physicians to learn more Klingon anatomy
Lots of begging to get Klingon government to donate a cadaver to McCoy
Two extraneous organs not found in any other humanoid species, highly specialized organs secrete anti-inflammatory fluids and natural painkillers when skin is damaged, keeps warrior on feet longer
Azetbur told Klingon doctors to participate
Page 106 Commander T’SroH [m] given a great honor, to assist noble chancellor in carrying out her vow of DIS jaj je
Destruction of Paxis had been a disaster on a scale that most Klingons were only now truly beginning to appreciate
T’SroH had not at first approved of Gorkon’s peace initiatives
Kerla did not first approve of Gorkon
Klingons needed peace if they were to survive as the passionate proud people
Owed a year and a day out of his life to fulfill Chancellor’s honor debt
T’SroH recognized ship belonging to members of the Orion Syndicate
Page 108 Garthak, T’SroH’s second in command on K’Rator
T’SroH growled his pleasure
Sole focus Kirk
Time has come to pay the DIS jaj je
T’SroH has heard of engineer Scott, impressive
He drummed his sharp-nailed fingers on the arm of his chair
Have a chance to complete her DIS jaj je
Spock had found Gorkon to be a reasoned far-sighted individual particularly so for a Klingon. Azetbur shared his dream but not his temperament
Loud shouting matches often erupted when she spoke, council eagerly joined
The explosive Karglak
A few weeks ago I took the oath of the DIS jaj je
Klingons have many rituals to appease the honor code. This one stipulates that the one who swears the oath will protect the other for an entire Klingon year and a day.
T’SroH one of Azetbur’s most trusted men
Klingons prize honor above all things
DIS jaj je is an ancient and revered tradition
There is nothing that says DIS jaj je must personally be carried out by the invoker as long as she is at least indirectly responsible for its completion
Page 138 Kol’Targh a k’t’inga class battle cruiser given to Spock by Azetbur – her crew is to obey you as they would obey my own word
Digestive systems of humans and Klingons sufficiently similar
Red lighting black walls bloodwine
Black armor
Klingons do not eat vegetables
Karglak joins Uhura on mission to save Kirk. Opera singers had a lot of clout. Klingons on ship treat him like some sort of deity
Page 195 Captain Q’allock of Kol’Targh.
His honor is double. He is a warrior and a performer. Therefore he can perform honorous deeds and sing about them
Karglak has a crush on Uhura
It is good to satisfy honor
Planting a virus to cripple a foe’s fleet is a coward’s way of fighting
A predator smile curved her lips, revealing pointed teeth
Klingons would find the laboratories that created and controlled such a virus, blast any guard ships out of the stars, free our people and bombard the base until nothing but the barest specks remain.
Karglak enormous
Surprise – our best weapon
Klingons find backing down dishonorable
The weapons officer, uttering a cry that made the human’s hair stand on end, fired phasers
Slight damage to the port nacelle
Decks one and three are staunchly carrying on
Shrieks of victory
Famous aria Bathed in Blood, I stand victorious
We have Kahless’s own luck
Captain Q’allock let out a roar of approval and he and the other three banged their fists on the table repeatedly
Q’allock had carpeted ready room
Klingons are willing to die to see an honor debt satisfied
Group of Klingons go down to secure Faloria research facility on Sanctuary It would give me great pleasure to behold the quailing scum with my own eyes Dim red light in Klingon brig
Huge pulsing warp core in engineering section
K’t’inga class 91% grade dilithium
  Ashes of Eden by William Shatner
P2 Spock knew Kirk had confronted his fate and reconciled himself to it between his return from Khitomer and the launch of the Enterprise-B
P15 the Dark Range Platform, backwater refueling stop, located in the hinterlands of the Federation's frontier and the Klingon Empire's Old Regions, neither claimed it
P16 Kort, the one-eyed Klingon, breath reeking of bad gagh, presses the cold tip of the disruptor's emitter node deeper into Chekov's temple, thickly muscled arm, leather-gloved hand tightened against his windpipe
  hut  chorgh  soch  jav  vagh
deep ridges in heavy brow furrowed all the way down to the duranium plate that covered his useless eye socket
the disruptor's ready light pulsed silently, fully charged
Kort works with two Andorians, one bulky in fur vest, one slender in chain mail
Kort was able to determine Chekov and Uhura's true identities in less then 10 hours
Kort - even fabled Starfleet is no different than the Empire's navy. Step on a worm often enough, and even the lowliest will evolve wings
Kort gave Chekov a pat on the cheek that was more an open-handed punch
Uhura flashed a savage smile. Chekov could see Kort's nostril's flare with interest
Unfortunate you didn't see the errors of Starfleet's ways a decade ago, the Klingon growled. Then, by now, perhaps it would be the Empire gathering to gnaw at the Fed's bones
The law of the juggled - eat or be dinner. 
Kort managed to look almost wistful as he spoke. Not an easy task for a Klingon. 
Kort on standard - Yours is such an awkward language
Kort gave his new human friends a final painful squeeze
Now we do what we came here to do - business
Heavy metal shod boots
Thick hairy fingers
Kort shook his shaggy mane in wonder. Oh brave new planet, how many times were our forces held back from dealing you a decisive blow because we had no dilithium
Kort told Chekov and Uhura he had access to generals
Chekov winced as he saw the twitching tail tip of a single gagh worm still caught between two of Kort's stained and yellow teeth
In your language the Empire is having a going-out-of-business sale
P20 Uhura and Chekov want a K'tinga-class cruiser, maybe two
They know there are generals making them awailable
Kort glowered, as if even a Klingon criminal had standards. As if somewhere beneath his avarice, his willingness to deal in the debris of his collapsing Empire, there still beat the heart of a patriot. Someone who still believed in his flag and his ruler
Chekov - with dilithium reserves so low, how much good does a powerless cruiser do the Empire anyvay?
Bones to be gnawed
P21 Cha' rep  two hours
Kort nodded once to Uhura then turned and clanked off down the corridor
Kort was late
Kort insisted on searching Chekov and Uhura every time they met
P 29 Kort - reach for the Hovmey
Kort's metal-shod boots were wrapped in packing foam and made no sound against the deck
Jade, illegal arms dealer on Dark Range Platform disintegrates the large Andorian
Kort and the thin Andorian fan-fired their disruptors to either side
Uhura held her illegal full-sized phaser II on Kort and the Andorian
Kort and the Andorian held their disruptors on Uhura
P 30 Two to one. Even a Federation Qtalh like you can figure those odds
The Empire's own internal peace forces turning on their own 
It is not an easy time to be in business for yourself
Growing sense of unease in the Klingon's voice, he knew there were at least two others in the cargo hold with him
Two large crates labeled Freeze-Dried stomachs in Klingon script
Chekov plowed into Kort's gut, bashing him backward, the Klingon's heavy head slammed against the hull with a clang, the disruptor clattered away. Chekov heard the snick of a coiled knife springing to life
No Klingon ever carried just one weapon
Jade takes the uncoiled spring knife out of Kort's glove
Jade - some people say Klingons don't have the brainstem of a mugato
Kort's eye bulged at the insult but he did nothing more
Please, the Klingon begged. He was so abject, so lacking in Klingon spirit that Chekov had to wonder what atrocities Kort had encountered to lose his warrior's resolve and training so absolutely
Klingons never begged. At least a decade ago they didn't
Neither did they sell off parts of their Empire for quick profit.
Times were changing and Klingons with them.
There are other goods I can provide, Kort pleaded, hand held together in supplication. Weapons-grade antimatter. Photon -
Chekov couldn't believe it. The Klingon was groveling
Kort - surely there was something more, out of all the mighty works of the Empire
To Chekov - Kort wore the expression of someone who had sunk to the deepest level of Klingon hell
Kort was a datakeeper for the Imperial Forecasters, crimson level
Klingon code exchange - What is the path of the fourth-rank waatch dragon?
By Praxis' light, in seasons still to come
Kort intoned the phrases as if reciting poetry. Lines are from the death poem of Molor.
Jade aware of Imperial Forecasters and their codes, Chekov has never heard of them
P36 The secret in Kort's Crimson Level that will make Jade spare his life is 
Chalchaj 'qmey
Since the voyage to Camp Khitomer, Uhura had laboured hard to improve her spoken Klingon. Something about the sky and children, but an odd construction. Maybe a type of experimental Klingon weapons system
Chekov knew that whatever the Klingon had revealed to Jade, it had cost him the last scrap of his honor
P51 a group of Klingons stood off to the side at reception of Starfleet's new commander in chief Androvar Drake, unsuccessfully trying to hide their disdain for what passed as dancing on earth
Kirk had been to a Klingon dance once. McCoy had ended up giving him three protoplaser treatments to make the scars fade
Klingons took the act of cutting in very literally
Kirk saw that familiar flash in one of the Klingon's eyes. The Klingon recognized him, nodded at him - a sign of respect. Kirk returned the gesture, marveling how the day had ever come when he actually felt respect in turn or a Klingon. 
But the events surrounding the attempted assassination at Camp Khitomer and the growing peace movement between the Federation and the Empire had chanced many minds, including his.
Almost at once, when he said 'Let them die' Kirk had realized how wrong, hurtful, unfeeling. He regretted those words still
P53 Kirk startled to see heavily lashed, dark and enticing eyes of young woman, Klingon, dark hair dramatically swept back for the reception, revealed ripples of her high-ridged brow, not as pronounced as most females' he'd seen. Pointed ears, Klingon and Vulcan. Long glittering gown
She smiled, a smile of success. 
If she were Klingon-Romulan she probably wouldn't be at a Starfleet function.
Starfleet did invite several high-ranking Klingons to this reception.
McCoy - she's very young. About to add cradle-snatching to your list of crimes against the Klingon Empire?
Her delicate brow ridges became much more pronounced, almost as if she were scowling
Andover Drake has a thin ragged scar over his right cheekbone, Drake had earned it in battle, the story went. He had taken out a Klingon battle cruiser just before the Organian intervention. That scar was his badge of honor
Drake - Forgot about your son. David. Klingons killing him, and that. 
P62 Chekov outraged after six months living with Klingons 
Starfleet Intelligence Oversight has had Sulu and Excelsior monitoring Chekov and Uhura, but they couldn't know in case any of their Klingon contacts had used a mind-sifter on them
With the end of decades of military tension between the Fed and the Klingon Empire, the Klingon armed forces were falling into disarray. Weapons inventories were no longer secure. This section of the galaxy was especially vulnerable to the possible entry of Klingon armaments into the open market
The Imperial Forecasters were a division of the Klingon Strategic Operations Bureau, responsible of r using advanced wargaming and simulation techniques, they forecast probably outcomes to military scenarios. The Crimson Level classification corresponds to Starfleet's security classification Ultra Secret. The Crimson Level was responsible for doomsday scenarios. Scenarios concerning the effects of interplanetary famine, plague, and natural disasters to the ability of Klingon colony worlds and protectorates to support the Empire. Scenarios concerning the effects of political upheaval on the ability of the High Council to govern the Empire effectively. Scenarios concerning the effects of the military defeat and subjugation of the Empire by its enemies, on the ability of the Klingon race to survive. The Excelsior computer has this information. It also knows the code phrases were lines from the death poem of Molor.
They were military planners. The Klingon Empire is a military culture.
Uhura doesn't think she wants to know the Klingon response to the defeat of the Empire. The poem was in Uhura's upgrade course. About fifteen hundred years ago Kahless the Unforgettable defeated the tyrant Molor to found what became the Klingon Empire. It's considered a classic.
The Excelsior computer translates chalchaj 'qmey literally as an archaic form of 'the sky's offspring.'
In the context of the death poem of Molor, the phrase translates as 'the children of heaven' referring to those who would inherit the lands destroyed by Molor during his final war against Kahless and his followers
The meaning of the phrase 'children of heaven' in context of the Imperial Forecasters and the Crimson Level is restricted to Starfleet security clearance level 17. Sulu thought there were only 15 levels
Sulu, Chekov and Uhura conjecture that A Klingon who was once involved in planning doomsday scenarios for the Empire, offers to share something so secret it's classified at one of Starfleet's highest levels, to what he believes is an illegal arms dealer. It must be an exotic weapon, and so terrible it would only be used in the event the Empire was defeated. There are those who vould say that given the current state of the Empire, it already had been defeated. Not by its enemies, but by history.
Whatever kind of weapon the 'Children of Heaven' is, it was enough to make a Jade, a top Starfleet Intelligence agent willing to kill two other agents, so she could get the secret for herself.
A renegade agent with a Klingon doomsday veapon
Sulu doesn't even want to consider what a Klingon doomsday weapon might be capable of. Their standard armaments are bad enough.
Androvar Drake took over from the acting chief who replaced Cartwright. In the aftermath of Cartwright's arrest at Khitomer, Starfleet had been shaken to its core. For someone of his reputation and stellar accomplishments to have been promoted to a position of absolute authority, while at the same time working against everything the Federation and Starfleet stood for, had been a depressing example of how far humanity still had to go. 
P73 Kirk's every step revealed the depth of his education by experts in the martial arts of the Klingons and Vulcans, except for the damned nerve pinch he had mastered them all. His hands were raised in the Klingon first position, his body tensed for impact
P74 Kirk meets Teilani, the girl from the reception, in his ancestral farmhouse in Iowa. Her superbly muscled body.
Why do you resist what you know your heart wants?
Once her home was a colony world, we opted for independence many years ago
Kirk could imagine there would be a few old-guard Klingons who would want to phaser him out of existence. 
But the people attacking the family farmhouse wanted Teilani
P86 Kirk watched the two Klingon-Romulan youths. 
There is no escape! Accept your fate! Die honorably! The youth's sentiments had more than a touch of Klingon sensibility to them.
Teilani's bloodcurdling Klingon death cry filled the barn
Kirk drove in hard with a solid head butt. Stars flashed before Kirk's eyes with the sharp crack of his forehead against the youth's heavy brow ridges.
P91 Klingon pulse point is under the jaw
P93 Teilani wants Kirk's help to bring peace to her world, Chal, a Klingon term for heaven
Chal one of many attempts to bring the Klingon and Romulan empires together. Nameless to all but the colonists. A water world with only vegetation and a handful of animal species on its minuscule island landmasses. On the farthest reaches of the two empires' reluctantly shared, often disputed border. During a fitful truce between the empires about 40 years ago, the nameless world was selected as a place to strengthen their bonds. A failure like all the others. In time, the empires had fallen apart again. Trade broke off. The colony had been abandoned. In the end, neither empire wanted them. Kirk can't imagine either empire willingly giving up a colony world, not if there was a chance the other side would claim it. As far as either empire knew at the time, Chal had nothing of value, nothing more than a failed experiment from the past. More regrettable than exploitable. Even the founders left, returning to worlds of their youth. But their children chose to remain on Chal, all Klingon - Romulan hybrids. Declared independence.
Chal has something valuable. Neither empire knew. Eternal youth, and wound regeneration. The first generation did not age even as their own children grew. Illness never struck their world. Injuries healed without a trace. 
Some on Chal want to profit from the past and the world's treasure. Pit both empires against each other and side with whichever promises the richer prize. Others don't want a return to conflict and violence of the past, want to preserve planet for future generations. 
Chal needs a hero, Kirk, to show them how to defend themselves. Too deep in Klingon territory, in Romulan territory for either to accept a Federation claim. 
P108 McCoy - the Fed would jump at the chance to set up a joint peacekeeping operation with the Klingons and the Romulans to improve relations
P113 Kirk had gone back to Carol on his return from Khitomer
P115 Chal has set up specialized trade relations with various groups. Teilani asked to be invited to the reception. The Fed Protocol Office could have considered it a gesture of goodwill to Romulan and Klingon empires
P117 Esys, the pilot of Teilani's private yacht. Hybrid male
P121 the Enterprise still bears the damage from her final battle over Khitomer.
Double hull breach on the saucer where General Chang's final photon torpedo had punched through.
Chal negotiated for the old Enterprise - as a goodwill gesture on the Fed's part she's to be the first ship in Chal's planetary defense group
Crew of Teilani's people
P131 Adm. Drake - the mere possibility of a Klingon superweapon going on the open market could destabilize a dozen nonaligned systems. To say nothing of what it might do to the ongoing peace process between the Fed and the Empire
Uhura and Chekov had been undercover for 6 months to stop the flow of Klingon armaments to the illegal market.
Bottom line - Adm. Cartwright and his co-conspirators appear to have been the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The entire Starfleet command structure might be compromised by a cabal of senior officers. Traitors who will stop at nothing to prevent the Fed from achieving a secure peace agreement with the Klingon Empire.
The diplomats and negotiators for both the Fed and the Klingon Empire are aware of the strong, antireconciliation sentiments within their own camps. They understand that random acts of terrorism undertaken by a handful of detractors do not mean each government is not committed to peace. 
The Empire has no motive to attack a strong and secure Federation, but if they see the Fed falling apart. If the Klingons think the Fed would use an attack on the Klingon Empire as a way to reunite Fed members, then the Empire would have no choice but to strike first
P138 given what we know about the Crimson Level of the Imperial Forecasters, it is logical to conclude that some of their more extreme weapons were developed on planets far removed from Klingon centers of population. All evidence suggests the joint Romulan-Klingon colony on Chal was the center for the development, construction and storage of a weapon, code named Children of heaven. It was intended to be used only in the event of the total defeat of the Klingon Empire. 
P143 the Klingon-Romulan frontier comprises more than 33 hundred stars. 
Starfleet Intelligence has never come across any reference to Chal in any computer records it's obtained from Klingon or Romulan sources, so it must be the secret site of the Klingons' Crimson Level weapon [?!]
P149 10 years ago the Fed could have gone to war with the Klingons at any moment
P152 the official verdict by the Genesis Investigation Committee was that David Marcus had obtained protomatter from an unknown source outside the Federation. Possibly the Klingons. Actually it was Andover Drake.
P155 Ariadne Drake, aka Jade, got ride of Kort
Drake, her father, has Starfleet Intelligence still thinking Kirk's former officers are out hunting Klingon generals who've gone into business for themselves. 
Drake's been after the Chalchaj 'qmey for years. That pathetic Klingon on Dark Range finally gave us the connection to Chal that we needed. Drake believes Kirk will lead them to Chal, then to the Children of Heaven. 
Drake tried interrogating some of Teilani's compatriots right after Khitomer, when Chal first started inquiring about membership in the Fed. They never gave anything away, they willed themselves to death.
Ariadne - Willed themselves to death? They're half Klingon. They should have died trying to escape. How could they commit suicide?
Drake - Klingons are animals, Ariadne. Never forget that.
Drake suggested Teilani recruit Kirk, as Starfleet officially couldn't get involved in defending a planet so deep in Klingon-Romulan territory.
30 years ago Kirk was different - he would have ripped the throat out of a Klingon with his teeth if he had to.
Drake - Starfleet has to stay pure. There's no more room for Klingons and aliens. Our borders have to be secure. Cartwright wasn't careful. 
Drake and daughter are the last ones left of his organization.
Cartwright is in confinement
P159 Teilani shaves Kirk's Starfleet sideburns off with a naked Klingon SeymoH blade. 
Kirk had heard stories of the SeymoH blade and how the Klingons employed it. Not for cutting, but for delicate, maddening, and indescribably scraping.
Kirk had thought that he would never trust any Klingon to get that close to him with a drawn knife. 
Prestor V, a bleak backwater planet just inside the boundaries of the Klingon Empire, close to Federation watchposts. For generations Prestor V's only industry had been provided by the Klingon garrison that was stationed there. But with the Empire's recent military cutbacks, the garrison had been recalled. Prestor V then became the latest in a long list of planets to look elsewhere for support in the new era of peace. Like many others before it, the colonial government solved its problems by turning to institutionalized piracy and theft
As she drew the edge of the blade across the skin, awakening each nerve ending with a combination of exquisite pressure and the constant danger of serious injury.
Like any good Klingon drinking establishment, the dingy spaceport bar, on the outskirts of the planet's capital city, had a number of ears nailed to the wall behind the bartender's station. Most of them human. Kirk wondered if any had fallen to a SeymoH blade in the hands of a jealous lover.
If a spurned Klingon lover had a SeymoH blade handy, an ear might not be the first trophy taken.
The Prestor beer left a fringe of blue foam
Beer in copper pitcher. Something small and green with too many legs disturbed when the pitcher is moved. Something thick and green plopped out with the last of the beer, but didn't move on its own. Scotty upended his glass and bravely swallowed the thick green sludge. Nothing could be alive in a brew as foul as this one, in Scotty's opinion
Klingon disruptor cannons on the Enterprise, the pieces fit in the holes.
We're in Klingon territory, currency is still widespread, and so are a number of ex-officers who see nothing wrong in selling surplus equipment to the highest bidders
Almost all the clientele were Klingon, not paying any attention to Kirk and Scott. 
Chal, deep within the Klingon-Romulan frontier, at worst might face a threat from a few Orion pirates.
The surly Klingon bartender lumbered over to Kirk's table with another battered copper pitcher of blue beer. She was old and deeply wrinkled with a mane of pure white hair. Her leather apron carried an ominous collection of stains. It looked ready to burst from the pressure it exerted on her massive breasts crammed under her armor chest plate.
The bartender muttered that it was free, it was house policy that any customer that ate the green sludge got a free pitcher. If you accidentally eat any of the sludge, the free pitcher is to help dredge the worms out of your system.
The bartender erupted with a bone-chilling howl of Klingon laughter, whomped Scott on the back, then went back to her bar, still snorting in amazement
P165 Teilani kisses Kirk innovatively, thoroughly.
Kirk wondered how he could ever have thought that a Klingon brow was ungainly. 
Teilani's opponents have a Tholian starcruiser, emerald class, a crystal-faceted teardrop hull, crew of 20, max speed 7.5, exceptional shields, but little in the way of firepower
P169 Chal has binary suns, primary yellow-white, secondary orange-yellow, incandescent plasma bridge joins the two. Four archipelagos. Largest island, in archipelago closest to the equator, was where the colony of Chal had first been founded, where first and only city was. 1000 population. Food for the taking. Work in agriculture just a few weeks a year. The building materials used and technological infrastructure the colony's founders had installed were robust and capable of self-repair. To Kirk it was almost as if the Klingons and Romulans who had created the colony had intended that their descendants would never have to work to maintain their blissful existence.
Chal - Heaven - as if every summer day on every beach that ever was had been collapsed into one perfect, shimmering blue moment.
The inhabitants lay on the sand, and swam in the oceans. Sports and games were high among the pursuits enjoyed by the Chal. Loosely organized committees arranged the minimal work schedules, a more formal group of volunteers formed the planet's government. Teilani was the one responsible for maintaining contact with other worlds. Computers provided almost all the suggestions and advice for running the colony. Food, shelter and recreation abundant for all.
Kirk - most colonies served as laboratories for creating new forms of social interaction
Colorful flowers
City - on small outcropping of black volcanic rock, beige, cream and pale pink low buildings. Overlook harbor and wide white beach. Circular landing pads numbered in Romulan script
Gravity .98; oxygen 21 per cent.
P174 Uhura reminds Captain Sulu that Prestor V is a Klingon borderworld. No one's going to answer any questions a Starfleet ship asks. It's a Klingon borderworld. The whole planet is extralegal.
Military materiel from the old Klingon garrison was left behind, or stolen
P179 with the changes in the Klingon Empire, old secrets are being revealed
The Anarchists are the old ones, the original settlers, the parents of Chal's current population
Large domed power station building in the center of town
P184 rain on Prestor V's main city coats the corroded streets with oily yellow sheen. Air stinks of sulfur
The Klingon engineers who had built this city 50 years earlier had not intended their temporary structures to last. And they hadn't
None of the ears in the Prestor V's warehouse district bar with glowing red sign are pointed
As Spock, McCoy and Chekov sit down, a nearby table of Klingons made a show of smelling a terrible odor and changed to a table further away.
The bartender, a craggy old Klingon female with an explosion of thick white hair came to the table before Chekov could order and slapped down a copper pitcher filled with something blue and foamy. Three chipped glasses followed. 
Two credits, the bartender wheezed
Federation credit? What do you take us for?
Chekov dropped a Klingon colonial coin on the wooden table
The bartender reached under her stained apron and brought out a tiny scanner, no larger than one of McCoy's medical scanners. She held the device over the coin. The scanner glowed orange on one end
The bartender pocketed the scanner and the coin
Anything else? She growled. Her tone was slightly less belligerent
This is a bar, not a shopping mart
Chekov drops the name of Kort, of the Imperial Forecasters
The bartender tried not to let her surprise show.
Kort! How is the old bladder these days?
The Empire's own internal peace forces are making things difficult
The bartender's mouth sagged open in astonishment at the Crimson level code phrase from the death poem of Molor. She mutters nervously in reply
Chekov placed five more talon coins on the table
The bartender sat down, passed are arm over the coins. They disappeared without so much as a single clink. Years of practice
The bartender smelled terrible to Chekov
What do you need, friend of Kort?
Smuggling, eh? An honorable profession.
A Bird-of-Prey could fight off Orion pirates
The Klingon reared back with a scornful laugh. She didn't bother to keep her voice low. Several patrons looked at her with curious expressions
P188 You come to the Klingon Empire to buy a Starfleet vessel? You might as well go to earth to buy a QIghpej!
Chekov had no idea what a QIghpej was
She pushed her long white hair back from her forehead with an indescribably filthy hand
Chekov bared his teeth in what he hoped approximated the Klingon style of smiling
The bartended looked at him intently, obviously calculating her chances on taking the datacase by force
The bartender can arrange three ships, 20 soldiers per crew, fully armed
Chekov pulled out another handful of metal talons
The bartender tells Chekov the Enterprise went on to the spacedocks at Delstin VIII.
The bartender bared her ghastly teeth, but it was no smile
Do you question my honor?
The bartender describes Kirk - human, pasty, pinkish, no fangs to speak of, a disgracefully smooth forehead, with not even a single ridge of a warrior. You all look alike.
The bartender describes Scott - he was more formidable, a large man, more powerful, his forehead also lacked character but he did wear a warrior's mustache
The bartender asks - what is the path of the fifth-rank wattch dragon?
Answer or die!
All through the bar, chairs fell over and tables squealed as customers leapt to their feet, drawing daggers and pistols and even a few swords.
The bartender shrieked at Chekov, nearly felling him with the foul blast of her breath.
McCoy smashes a chair into the back of her head, which makes her fling Chekov to the side and leap at McCoy. 
With an earsplitting screech, she bucked wildly, knocking Chekov off her back
Both hands plunged beneath her apron and reemerged bearing ornate knife handles. She flicked the handles and gleaming blades snicked into position.
Spock tried a nerve pinch, but the bartender roared and shook Spock's hand free, elbowed him in the stomach, and tossed his phaser across the room
She hurled a knife at Chekov, it thunked into the shattered tabletop beside his head.
The bartender shakes both Spock and McCoy, hanging on to her arms
Spock snaps the leather armor off her shoulder to gently squeeze the bare flesh at the base of her neck. The bartender hit the floor a second later
All around them the bar's other customers were busy with their own fights, at least ten. No one else cared about the bartender and Chekov's group
Klingon death cries rang out in the establishment. Coins changed hands as bets were made. A free-of-all raged on behind the bar.
P196 Kirk to Scott - you look as happy as a Klingon with a tribble in his pants
P198 all records of Chal's location were purged from the central survey's of the two empires. Some think it was a final gift from one of the original colonists, to insure their children wouldn't be disturbed
Teilani's group controls the city and spaceport and subspace transmitting station. The Anarchists need to steal a spacecraft or get the station to get the secret of Chal out.
P207 Sulu chose to follow the course heading for the Klingon Empire because who would ever believe Kirk would willingly return there?
Three Klingon battle cruisers dropped from warp dead ahead after Excelsior looses warp drive. Photon torpedo impact.
The Klingon commander was young, eager eyes gleaming viciously. Yellow teeth, wispy beard
Federation starship, you have intruded in restricted Klingon space. Surrender or die!
The Chal's innate abilities to move stealthily, to follow orders, to think in tactical terms, all seemed to stem from their childhood games - hunts and chases through the jungle, intricate strategy and tactics played with twigs and stones on squares drawn in the sand. Complex military concepts. Typical Klingon and Romulan upbringing.
Chal has a moon
The Anarchists have elaborate jamming devices. Their stronghold 200 km from city
Nightfeeder - jungle animal of Chal, shrill and piercing call
The Anarchists, the older generation. Look the same age as Teilani
P219 Torl, age 42, Anarchist of Chal. Looks 20. 
Baring his teeth, he looked disconcertingly like a full-blooded Klingon.
Torl tells Kirk the colony was an unqualified success, hidden, they are the children of Heaven, the Chalchaj 'qmey.
Kirk recognized the phrase as Klingon, but beyond that it meant nothing to him
Torl's side wants to bury Chal, wipe it out of existence
p221 this world is not chalchaj, it is chalwutlh. The underworld, not heaven.
Torl - Peace grows between our kind. The Klingon Empire and the Federation reach out to each other. If their fragile efforts succeed, the Romulans cannot stand against them, they must lay down their arms as well. For peace to have its chance, Chal and its secrets must die. in the decades past our people were manipulated by their rulers to hate you. To consider your species as nothing more than animals.
Torl wept as if he was torn apart by monumental anguish, shame
P224 the Klingon commander snarled at Sulu - you have 5 seconds to lower your shields and prepare for boarding.
Sulu says the Excelsior is in Klingon space under the authority of Chancellor Azetbur.
The Klingon blink. How dare you invoke the name of our chancellor for your foul crimes
Sulu tells the Klingon commander to contact his central command for verification
The Excelsior can outrun the Klingon ships
Uhura is picking up a flurry of encrypted messages. They're all going out from the Klingon lead ship. They're attempting to contact their central command. Its an old code, 2 or 3 minutes for Lt. Janice Rand to crack it, its just random bits.
Adm. Drake said he personally cleared all this through Azetbur
If they have to get a message all the way back to their homeworld it could take half a day for a reply
The Klingons were expecting to intercept Excelsior, had a particular pattern message as prearranged signal
Reply comes in 10 minutes. There must be a command ship nearby
Uhura monitors encrypted ship-to-ship communications, begin a countdown.
Two of the Klingon cruisers disappear, encircling the Excelsior. Two or three photon torpedoes would impact before she reached top speed
The Klingon commander reappeared on the viewscreen, sprawled comfortably in his chair, a position of supreme confidence
His central command has no record of any diplomatic clearance being given. Therefore, I give you your choice. Prepare to be boarded. Or prepare to die. the Klingon scratched delicately at his beard. And by the way your 10 seconds are up. So I would appreciate hearing your answer -now!
P227 baH cha!  Torpedoes launched, fire again
The torpedoes were being concentrated on screen overlaps, there the shields were weakest. The Klingons were going to punch through the weakened areas of overlap with their disruptors
Excelsior sweeps beneath the cruiser, missing it by only 6 meters, coming up behind the cruiser less than a shuttle length between shields
P 228 The K'tinga-class cruiser fell victim to the torpedoes launched by its sister ships. Its shields had been tuned against Starfleet weapons, not Klingon
Sulu wants the Klingons to shut down their warp cores, so it will take them at least six hours to power up again
I am willing to die! the commander proclaimed with clenched fist
Drake arrives in a Starfleet Vulcan warp shuttle doing warp 10. He has a coded message for them from their High Council
Uhura reports that Drake transmits to the Klingon ships, a new type of encryption code. The message explains the situation to them, and gives them their orders.
The Klingons power down their weapons, drop their shields
Drake - it seems we've been caught up in the middle of some typical Klingon skulduggery. The orders Azetbur issued giving you diplomatic clearance were held up by the homeworld's bureaucracy. These ships were just doing their duty. But now they're ordered to escort us as we track the Enterprise
Sulu doubts that the commander in chief of Starfleet would come this far into Klingon space without an entire flotilla for security
This can be considered enemy territory
P232 the Klingon cruisers are mercenaries working for Drake, they've already agreed to betray their empire, the loss of one of the ships shouldn't bother them, less splitting of payment. 
The assassination at Khitomer was exposed because Cartwright underestimated Kirk
Ariadne reminds her father the Klingons killed her mother. Drake feels Kirk let them get away with it. Once we have control of the Chalchaj 'qmey, once he can dangle that before our friends on the Fed Council, war will be inevitable. the Klingon Empire will be crushed. And Kirk and all his bleeding-heart sympathizers with it.
Ariadne afraid her father might become a casualty of the past, fighting a war that had ended years ago
P238 Chal's native population, half Romulan, has meditative control to stop heart beat, etc for a few minutes
It made perfect sense to Kirk that something connected to Romulans and Klingons was something Starfleet couldn't get involved with.
Teilani slapped him, her Klingon nails raked his cheek
Scot is picking up vessels approaching, at least two of them are Klingon, battle cruisers from their power curves.
Kirk - the Federation is at peace with the Klingons. At least we're trying to be.
Kirk - Sulu, are you traveling with Klingons?
Sulu - We're being 'escorted,' sir.
Depending on whose charts you believe, this is either Klingon or Romulan space.
Drake says he is there under the combined authority of Starfleet and the Klingon High Council.
P244 Commander Krult. Cha yIghus! Drake speaks Klingon.
The Klingons bring their weapons on line
Drake informs Kirk that Kirk is operating an illegally armed vessel in a restricted area of Klingon space. His actions will set back the new era of détente between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.
Sulu - Starfleet is in possession of classified information suggesting that Chal could pose a threat to the peace process between the Federation and the Empire. Sulu's orders are to dispatch security teams to the planet and secure any war materiel found. We do have the authority from the Empire, sir.
The Empire does not recognize Chal's independence. However, the planet's cooperation in this matter might move the High Council to change its view.
Torpedoes launched sequentially overload the Klingons' aft shields
The first Klingon cruiser executed a roll to slide past the second and began firing
Orange beams of disruptors
The disruptor beams passed through the first battle cruiser's shields as if they weren't even there. Its bridge erupted into a tiny nova as the main hull began to spiral away, passing into the beams hitting the second cruiser. Caught in those beams the first cruiser's main hull blew apart in a string of small explosions as her antimatter containment bottles failed.
The second cruiser escaped, rapidly, without a trace
They assumed the Enterprise had phasers and set their shields accordingly. Kirk had always wanted to try that.
Chalchaj 'qmey is whatever is in the Armory
P255 Drake ordered the Klingon escorts to prepare to fire their torpedoes. No matter how far along the peace process is with the Empire, it is highly improbable that any Klingon commander would place his ship in a position where it would be expected to take orders from a Starfleet officer.
Those Klingon ships may have been other than Klingon armed forces - mercenaries in battle cruisers
The Commander in chief of Starfleet is commanding Klingon mercenary ships? Following the events at Khitomer and the arrest of Adm. Cartwright, Starfleet Intelligence began an intensive effort to halt the sale of Klingon armaments on the illegal markets. That effort was specifically directed at obtaining the type of vessels now under Adm. Drake's command. At least five of Chekov and Uhura's undercover operations in the last six months resulted in arrests. The Klingon vessels may have been obtained as a result of coopting Starfleet Intelligence.
P261 the Armory on Chal extends underground through almost the entire city
Teilani has only been told it is the power station, but there is no way in
There is a transporter shield over it, hidden in the normal power generator fields so it would disperse any beam that struck it before an operator could recover the signal. A sly little trick. Someone's gone to a lot of trouble to keep visitors out. But the modulation routines are fairly old-fashioned, 40 years old.  Scot manages to get through
An old-style Romulan Bird-of-prey inside a geodesic down, Romulan data conduits. A munitions dump. Probably a Klingon battle cruiser somewhere, a section of Klingon display cases, too.
Forty years ago the Romulans and the Klingons must have been preparing for an all-out war with the Federation. So they founded Chal to be a secret supply base.
In one display a Romulan male and a Klingon female held a baby. Egg cells were mechanically opened by microscalpals, their dark nucleii replaced with new ones. Genetically engineered, not to fight, but to thrive in environments polluted by energy radiation, biological warfare agents. Survivors
Had fear of annihilation driven the two empires? 
Humans were also used, butchered, by alien surgeons for organic material.
He kissed her forehead, her warrior's brow
In a Klingon upbringing, a charge of lost honor was the ultimate insult
Kirk has been at war with the Klingon Empire, and the Romulans, since before Teilani was born.
The war's over and done with
Eternal youth - from the combination of Klingon and Romulan genetics, and human tissue. The Chal natives could be a source of transplant tissues for Humans.
The Chal can stop their hearts for 3-4 minutes
Teilani stared at him intently, seeking truth, seeking honor.
Drake beams down with 3 Klingons
Klingon transporter columns of orange light
P277 27 - 28 years ago, SD 3198.4. two Klingon battle cruisers had picked off a Starfleet hospital ship, said it was on a spying mission. Kalinora Sector. women and children were on the ship. Drake chased the ships. Got his scar blowing the first one out of space. Drake informed Starfleet what had happened. The Code One signal went out. Fed and Klingons were at war. The Organians stopped the war before Drake could punish the Klingons who had killed his wife. Drake blames Kirk. 
The Klingons were trying to flank him stun him from different angles before he could discharge his phaser. Risky, a disruptor stun made muscles contract. Even in the face of a heavy disruptor fore Kirk would be able to fire the phaser.
There are 7 of Drakes associates still in Starfleet, not even Cartwright knew us all, safer. Patriots dedicated to keeping the Federation free of alien influence.
Cartwright almost succeeded. A few assassination, a border incident or two, and the paranoia so recently buried in humanity will come back in force, Drake has made an exhaustive study of it. 
Drake transports back to the Klingon vessel and attacks Enterprise
The Klingon battle cruiser shuddered as its shields flared in a sphere of glowing orange light
Drake calmly sitting in the Klingon ship's center chair
Drake barked out commands in Klingon
The Klingon ship is not built for gravimetric turbulence associated with temporal slingshot maneuvers, cannot achieve temporal dislocation
Drake's Klingon ship was not badly damaged by disruptor blast, shields and sensors are up to full military strength
Ariadne at weapons station on bridge of the Klingon cruiser
P292 QIH poj!
The Klingon science officer analyzed his readings - reads Enterprise no impulse engines, shields at 33 percent, inside corona. 
Drake's shields are at 42 percent
  The Fearful Summons by Denny Martin Flynn
P1 The Beta Prometheans are impressed that the Federation Starships have defeated Klingon birds-of-prey in interstellar combat. Perhaps, or perhaps the Klingons defeated themselves
P52 Beta Promethean Maldari sees a tall, powerful looking Klingon, well dressed in a military style with an angry visage. He had seen many Klingons on his home planet. Few in this far corner of the Beta Promethean star system. Maldari not sure he wants to get involved with Klingons. sometimes you have to work with disbelievers. The Klingons are willing to transport him, his crew, and his cargo of female slaves back to city Archnos on Beta Promethean 1. They have a B’rel-class Bird-of Prey right here on this moon. It is commonly used to carry cargo in and out of Archnos. The Klingons have their own freight warehouses and facilities, Maldari will be able to get his slaves through. The Klingons want to use the Starfleet male officers Maldari has for a few days. After that he can do whatever he wants with them. Maldari agrees to meet outside the shuttle with the Klingons. 
P60 two Klingons climbed out of the shuttle, strode to a squat building at the edge of the cages and disappeared inside. After a minute or tow Licus and several other lizard-men came out with the Klingons. the group [paused in front of the women’s cage. The Klingons seemed intrigued, but eventually shook their heads and moved on. Their translators taken, Violet and Nora couldn’t understand the exchange. Violet watched them walk along the cages and stop in front of a pair of Caltarian females, highly intelligent humanoids, tall, lithe, without any hair. Licus began a  conservation with the Klingons, the Klingons nodded. The lizard-men subdue the two and carried the struggling Caltarians to the Klingon shuttle, and the two Klingons followed them in. the shuttle powered up, then dashed out of the clearing and disappeared into the clouds.
P64 Maldari and the two Klingons with him hurry across the No Where bar on the intergalactic crossroads of the Beta Promethean moon just before Excelsior security team enters. A Klingon bird-of-prey left the vicinity, heading across the system to BP1. 
Commander Sencus, Vulcan first officer of the Excelsior under Captain Sulu – Klingons. wouldn’t you know it. but what would the Klingons be doing in all this? The Excelsior could reach that bird-of prey in a mater of –
P111 McCoy recalls that once he had to work on a Klingon. He was dying right in front of me! My anabolic protoplaser did nothing. So I leaped up and tried to resuscitate him by hand! What a fool, to think that a Klingon’s heart was in the same place as ours. Or that they would have one at all. Seems like a long time ago, now
P127 Uhura isn’t sure she wants to be fired on by Klingon battlecruisers any more in her life
P160 Sencus has found out that the Beta Prometheans are being somewhat manipulated by Klingons, who have apparently jumped in to use the hostages to their own advantage. Klingons attempting to convince the Beta Prometheans that the Federation has been exploiting them. An anti-Fed rally tonight in Archnos, jointly sponsored by the Clerics and the Klingons. the Beta Prometheans conduct a lot of business with the Klingons, who have refused to participate in the current Fed embargo. Dilithium source.  What Klingon would work as a spy for the Fed?
The Enterprise crew was kindly asked to stand down from active duty when they almost started a war with the Klingons a year ago
The only near humanoid species that is part of the population on Archnos is Klingon. Although right now there is a shaky but holding treaty with the Klingons, they do not participate in the Federation. The Klingons are ignoring the embargo and still doing a good deal of business. There were hundreds of them coming and going, even some possibly living there. Mostly traders. We can’t trust a Klingon to help us. 
Spock, in his hobby as an actor in a small Vulcan theatre group once mounted a production of Romeo and Juliet with the Capulets as Klingons. The production did not work. The Klingons are not well regarded in most of the Fed, as you know, and that gave the audience’s sympathy to the Mongagues. Make-up was a great success, difficultly with the ears.
McCoy – the last time I went near a Klingon ship I was thrown in jail and froze my butt off
There ought to be a Klingon haberdashery somewhere about the galaxy
Kirk sported an enormous forehead with waves of ridges running down to the bridge of his nose., McCoy had three vertical ridges on an almost bald head, both were darker, and McCoy had a sour-looking beard and mustache. They were clothed in dark tunics of leather and metal, and their thick boots made them inches taller
Scott – I’ve nae seen two more Klingon looking Klingons, general Chang himself could not smell the difference. Cadet Barbara O’Marla has never seen a Klingon in person but they look just like the holographs she’s seen
Guttural voices, know little of their customs and culture. In those clothes you’re beginning to smell like a Klingon. 
Klingons appeared to be as unfriendly to each other as they were to humans, not necessary to engage in conversation
Real Klingons were slower than four legged lizard-lie Prometheans and tended to remain arrogantly gaited and in their own world
The young Beta Promethean said ‘welcome’ in Klingon
Doors guarded by two Klingons who didn’t smile but stamped their feet as Kirk and McCoy in disguise went by
At rally several representatives of alien races and one Klingon. His speech was punctuated continually by shouts and roars and applause from the crowd. Klingons warned their fellow workers that the Fed wanted to control the dilithium mines and would soon take them over. The purity of the Beta Promethean people and their friends the Klingons
Furthermore, the Klingon was saying, the Fed wishes to impose its regulations upon the entire universe! They wish to impose their culture upon the entire universe! They wish to subjugate all races which they consider alien! They are attempting to destroy all non-Fed societies and place themselves at the center of a Federation-only cosmos! They have sent their warships to the very edge of this system! My friends, listen to me, the Klingon orator went on. Only days ago a dozen spies were sent to prepare the way for an invasion. He turned and nodded and several of his cohorts on the platform hurried down to the back door. They opened it and Prometheans carrying weapons brought Sulu and his eight fellow officers onto the floor. The Klingon orator told the crowd to look and see for themselves how the Fed had sent spies. We captured these spies but there are more. Only the great Klingon Defense Machine can stop them. only when each Starfleet cruiser is matched with the more powerful Bird-of-Prey will the balance of power be restored. The Klingon treaty with the Federation must be denounced! The Klingons are your friends! They will stand shoulder to shoulder with you against the imperialist destroyers
In memory of General Chang, we of the true Klingon Empire will be triumphant
The Klingon orator builds the crowd up to a frenzy, death to the Federation, Long Live the Klingon empire. Screaming into his address system. The Klingon drew a disruptor from his holster and fired point blank at the back of the head of the nearest Starfleet officer. When the bolt hit him, the young man, Spiros Focus, shook and crumpled forward, dead
This is only the militant Klingon faction that hates the treaty. They would like to use this incident as a chance to break it
Klingons aren’t friendly, even with each other, they want to know who we are and what we’re doing here. Kirk remembered not to smile. Kirk remembered that Klingons did not use salutations or greetings. Kirk tried to recall what little he knew of Klingon syntax
P178 Bird-of-prey Krogshat
Dilithium trade is reserved for only certain Klingons. Reserved for members of the Dilithium Mining Corps. 
What ship do you work for?
Brigadier Kerla died defending the greater glory of the Klingon Empire. 
It’s not a ship of the line, it is not a Bird-of-Prey
Relying on a Klingon’s humanity. Excellent plan, McCoy groused
Another night in a foul Klingon jail
P182 Maldari furious. The Klingons will not be allowed to use the prisoners again. 
Dramin considers the Klingons are merely of momentary usefulness in his cause to take control of the Beta Prometheus star system. The Klingons will be irrelevant once the Shrewdest Ones are in control. 
P197 many Klingons would certainly like to see tensions escalate between the Federation and Beta Prometheus. It is undoubtedly the same political faction which last year was behind the Gorkon assassination and against the peace process. 
P220 Dramin arrived at the warehouse accompanied by a cohort of Klingon soldiers. Do you think these miserable disbelievers can escape past a cohort of Klingon soldiers? The Klingons tower behind him. They brought their weapons up, as if on cue
The Klingons growled in their own harsh language and pointedly waved their weapons
P226 didn’t Maldari say no good would come of doing business with Klingons? they stick their oversized heads in everywhere. 
P229 Dramin held a heated conversation with a number of Klingons who had arrived before him. 
P239 Chekov, disguised as a Klingon, nodded  as he passed a group of Klingons. two paid no attention but one scowled back. Klingons aren’t friendly. You don’t have to say hello to anyone
P238 the Beta Promethean understands the Klingon diet is terribly fatty. Too much meat. Hardening of the arteries. Not enough exercise.
A number of armed Klingons stood in front of the door. Kirk pretends to be a Klingon from the Klingon Council for Military and Espionage Matters. We have come to interrogate the prisoners at the request of the Klingon High Council. The unarmed Klingons took cover. Suddenly a dozen Klingons were running toward them, weapons at the ready. The Beta Promethean Cleric was barking commands at the Klingon soldiers, and sending most of them back along the corridor. The remaining Klingons took Sulu and hurried him to door on far side. The Klingon opened the door cautiously, then threw it open wide and stepped out. Kirk and company take out the Klingon guards and rescue Sulu.
Rough leather Klingon tunics
P252 a fleet of war tanks was rumbling along, a Klingon standing up on each one
A Klingon bird-of-prey attack Kirk’s star yacht. A Klingon warship also on them. The Klingon torpedo exploded harmlessly against the giant shields. 
  The Lights in the Sky, Strange New Worlds I
page 32    General Korrd and his House returned to place of honor. Korrd stopped Romulan attack on Triskelion. Korrd dealing with Federation, and Romulans over Providers technology. Korrd knew Romulan Ambassador Renzel when Renzel was a Commander. Korrd volunteers to be Shahna's bodyguard - helps her defeat Romulan operative Dosean. "Romulans are not honorable." Later the General is busy enjoying interrogating Dosean. General Korrd insists on leading Klingon flagship to Triskelion to honor Shahna's conversion. 
  One of Forty-seven, Strange New Worlds III
no Klingon content
  The First Law of Metaphysics, Strange New Worlds II
no Klingon content
  The Captain's Daughter by Peter David
P23 Klingons, Romulans, names to strike terror into the hearts of millions
P140 the collapse of the Klingon Empire has strained the Fed's capabilities. Resources somewhat stretched dealing with various situations. 
P169 nervous Sulu dealing with young daughter - his hands had been steadier when he'd been programming phaser blasts against Klingon ships that had them sighted.
P196 the entire Klingon contingent had stormed out of the Federation Council and left earth a couple of days ago. The ambassador and delegation had withdrawn in a snit because the UFP hadn't honored their demands for Kirk's head. At the time no one doubted that, sooner or later, the Klingons would return, if for no other reason than to harass the council some more. The ambassador had complained about Kirk and crew stealing a Klingon bird-of-prey. 
The Klingons are still angry with Kirk.
P237 Janice Rand mockingly - What, the Klingons are stirring up troouble and we need a starship to go in and show them what's what? It's the Enterprise.
P275 Sulu is credited with saving the Khitomer conference
  Vulcan's Forge by Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz
p270 [2247] Starfleet Captain Nechama Rabin, one of the first women to command a  starship, lunching with Lady Amanda, wife of Sarek, to discuss sponsoring Spock for Starfleet Academy, would almost prefer to be going into battle against Klingons.
P274 [2296] Commander Uhura strengthens her crew in dealing with Romulans saying "If a Klingon like Azetbur managed to wage peace, so can we."
P311 [2296] "If diplomacy worked with Klingons, how much more effective should it be with Romulan kinsfolk?" Spock approves Uhura's logic
P320 [2296] Spock helped the Klingons [Gorkon] open a dialogue with the Federation
  Shakedown, Enterprise Logs
The mind-sifter, or mind-ripper, is a Klingon invention. The Romulans acquired it during their period of shared technology. Subject will tell interrogator what they desire to know. Unfortunately, if used at sufficient strength it will empty mind of everything presently there, turn subject into vegetable. Large elaborate piece of equipment, chair-like device, strapped in. Level Two enough to force an Orion to shrieks of agony. Level 3 reduce adult Vulcan to sobs of anguish. Level 4 breaks human, Captain Harriman. Level 5 vegimatic.
    Transformations /audio/
no Klingon content
  The Hero of My Own Life, Strange New Worlds II
no Klingon content
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