Shitties crucify the messenger, re-elect the criminal.

Shitty Vision pulled out all stops to try to sink freedom of speech in Grey Lynn on Saturday 14th September 2002, when the Annual General Meeting of the Wages Green Dollar Exchange was held.

This should have been just another boring meeting of the usual bureaucrats who love to stir the sediment on such occasions, but Shitty Vision stacked the meeting with everyone it could muster, and this Shitty control was first made evident in the selection of chairperson. When a member rose to propose Neil Murphy be chair, Raewyn Alexander (clearly endorsed by the Shitties present) replied, "No, I am chair", and there was no dissent from the servile Shitties around the room.

Sparks began to fly when Dr Bruce Grenville, outgoing secretary of Wages, presented his Annual Report, in which he commented on the corruption and deviancy in the organisation, and the way in which meeting decisions are regularly ignored by the Shitty bureaucrat who runs the office. The Shitties then began a concerted attack on the secretary, and this attempted crucifixion ran for over half an hour! The debate spilled over to generally criticise Dr Grenville's work on designing and maintaining the websites of both Wages and the Grey Lynn Community Centre, and various Shitties spoke of their desire to see both sites shut down – a common reaction by guilty politicians when their shenanigans and corruption are exposed by the media. At one point, Linda Ceato (who has no computer herself) produced a colour printout of the "Deviancy of Shitty Vision" website page – clearly provided for her by some other Shitty. She implied that this link from the Wages News page showed irresponsible planning of the site. In actuality, links to other sites are covered by the disclaimer on the Grey Lynn site which denies any liability or endorsement of any links, which are purely there to be of help to the user. See the disclaimer. Graeme Easte, a politician slammed on the Shitty Vision website and also featuring on the Evil Men of Planet Earth site, spoke, saying he did not mind being compared with "Hitler, Idi Amin, and others" on the Evil Men site. But he suggested that Dr Grenville's input was unwanted and that when the Community Centre AGM comes up in a month or so, he would be unlikely to be voted on to their committee. So much for whistle blowers! The implied Shitty response is "shut up and don't rock the boat", but Dr Grenville responded that he is unlikely to lie down and be kicked for exercising his right of free speech to expose deviancy and corruption. Grenville's dispute with Shitty Vision began when he led a campaign to have the dangerous steps in front of the Community Centre replaced or fixed, and Shitty Vision was notorious in its determination to ignore the problem. See the story. After ten months of procrastination, the step problem was solved, and the Shitties have never forgiven Grenville for making them look so silly over this matter.

When the elections were held, despite Dr Grenville's warning of the dangers of having Miss Longworth involved, she was re-elected to the committee, thus sealing its doom. Dr Grenville, though nominated, declined election, saying that the committee was a farce as all its deliberations and decisions are ignored by the office worker, Miss Longworth (a Shitty Visionist of course.)

Other speakers during the meeting remarked that they found the term "Shitty Vision" to be good-natured and witty humour, and suggested that the Shitties should not be so thin-skinned. But asking a Shitty Visionist to be more tolerant of criticism is like asking Jesus to be nicer to the devil, or asking George Bush to be nice to Saddam Hussein. The meeting then heard a Shitty motion that Dr Grenville be expelled from Wages if the Wages website was not shut "immediately", and a later amendment suggested that he should be given a month to remove it. Other Shitties urged that he also be forced to shut down the Grey Lynn website, a move Dr Grenville has previously rejected as being unfair to those other local groups and artists who feature on the site, and to those folks who use the free Grey Lynn email service, accessed through the site. However, Dr Grenville agreed to remove the informative site that was previously reached via, a site inspired by the earlier Wages chairperson, Carl Gareis, himself the subject of a Shitty whispering campaign. The previous site, as well as links on the Grey Lynn page to Wages, have now been replaced by a simple email contact to the Exchange. Thus the devious Shitty Visionists, with a reputation for censorship in Grey Lynn, try to crush any criticism of their irresponsible and unethical acts. "Long live fuhrer Helen and her obedient servants Graeme and Valerie!"



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