Billy Escapes
  April 21, 1881, Billy is back in Lincoln where he is� waiting to be hanged. Billy knows his time is running out, Having� written numerous letters to Lew Wallace the Governor, without getting a response (Wallace is to busy writing his novel Ben Hur) He is now desperate. Garrett is holding Billy in a room off to the side of his office with guards James Bell and Bob Olinger one of Billy's old enemies, watching over him 24 hours a day. Billy's decides its time to move if he's ever going to, Garrett is out of town and with just the two guards there he knows that this is his last chance. April 28th Olingler is at the hotel eating lunch with only Bell at the jail watching� Billy. The story about how Billy escapes has been told numerous ways, but we do know that Billy either was given a gun by someone or got his hands on Bell's gun and shot him. Olinger hears the shots and comes running. As he comes through the gate at the jail he hears someone Yell "Hey Bob" looking up he see's Billy with a double barrel shotgun as he pulls both trigger's. Olinger and Bell are both dead and Billy is on the loose again. Without any interference from the town's people Billy saddles up and leaves town.

�� For the next few months Billy hid out around Fort Sumner, his friends telling him to leave New Mexico, but as always Billy would never leave. It seemed as if he would rather die than leave what few friends he had and go someplace and start over. Meanwhile Garrett was� keeping a low profile as not to scare Billy into leaving the country, but He was looking and he meant to get him.
Pure Speculation
�� There are so many stories about how Billy was killed that you can just pick the one that suites your taste� and believe it. No one will ever know the real story about the shooting, all we do know is that late on the night of
July 14, 1881� at Pete Maxwell's house Pat Garrett fired two shots, one hitting Billy� in the heart and one shot missing. Some people say that Pete was present when Billy was shot and had set him up, while others say that Garrett was alone in Pete's bedroom when Billy came in looking for Maxwell.
�� Garrett claimed that Billy had a gun in one hand and a knife in the other and would have killed him. Whether true or not I find it to be funny that Billy would go looking for Garrett late at night in Maxwell's dark bedroom. Billy had always ran from the law to avoid capture, why would he now become the aggressor. Its my opinion that Pat Garrett never was Billy's friend and He was afraid of Billy, knowing that The Kid� had nothing to lose and would shoot to kill if cornered. Garrett had never tried to arrest The Kid before, He always shot first trying to kill him. Garrett wanted the 500.00 reward money that was on Billy's head and more than that He wanted a name for himself. Pat Garrett killer of Billy The Kid. He got the name and he got the money, but people never�took to Garrett. Maybe they were like me down deep inside I know that Garrett somehow had Billy set up and probability shot Billy down in cold blood that night instead of arresting him. Either way Billy would have died, but that night will be talked about forever. Just my humble opinion.

The Gunslinger
Email: The Rebel
New York
Click here for letters to Governor
Lew Wallace from Billy the Kid
Click here for some interesting pictures of Billy's Guns.
Click here for various Pictures Concerning Billy's Life
The Gun That Killed Billy
The Many Faces of Billy
Click here for Billy's Page 1
The Gunfighter's
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