Kratt News

Martin, Chris, Zoboo and dogs

The Kratt Brothers have become quite popular the past few years, especially since Zoboomafoo first aired on PBS. Here are some interesting articles on Chris and Martin that I'm sure you will enjoy reading.

June 2, 1996 Crazy Kratts

April, 1997 "Save the Reef" poster contest

February 25, 1999 Surprising lemur hosts

August 7, 2000 Here's mud in your eye at grizzly fund-raiser

Detroit Free Press, 1997 Yakking with the Kratt Brothers

Knowledge Network Exclusive Interview

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All images © Kratt Brother's Co.

Disclaimer:Kratt Junction is in no way associated with Chris or Martin Kratt, Kratt's Creatures, Kratt Brother's Company, PBS, Paragon Entertainment Corp. or Maryland Public Televison.

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