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   It's tough to argue that the 1980s were anything but a strange decade. Michael Jackson wore red leather jackets scarred with zippers, popular music reeked of sappy discontent, and hairspray was shamelessly applied in an attempt to defy nature, gravity, and good fashion taste. But we all lived it, and regardless of whether you loved or hated The Breakfast Club or Wham, you can't help but have a soft spot and a fascination for the lost decade. Which is exactly what the minds at Rockstar are betting on with Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, the follow-up to the mega hit GTA3. I can confirm that it will be exclusive to the PS2 and will be released at the end of this year. In fact, Rockstar and Sony shook hands on a deal that will keep the GTA franchise a PlayStation-exclusive through 2004.
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