Woodland dreams of intuition come with the graceful deer.
I greet you, brothers of the forest.
Your gift of magic will brighten my life.
Transformation will come to me.
Like you, I stand listening to the drum beat of life,
Poised to follow my guiding spirits.
Humans are part of nature as much as the trees and animals. Don't agree with me?  Let's do an experiment-take away the electricity, take away the cities...what are you left with?  We have separated ourselves from nature as we become more and more 'civilized'.  We have forgottten what our ancestors have always known, that the trees have their own form of spirit, the animals also as well as anything our Mother Gaia has created.  And she creates all.

Don't get me wrong....I'm
very content having air conditioning in Florida, and I have no complaints while turning on my dishwasher! 

I will go into the Native American and Shamanistic aspects of it-though  it is very similiar to the Celtic ways as well.  Long ago, the Natives of the Earth learned and respected  the animals/birds/sea life.  The Bear; powerful, yet retreates in the winter to hybernate...taught them that sometimes it is best to hide out and think instead of reacting harshly to a situation.  The playful otter, who treats all as friend until provoked (so much like myself).  They found that the animals have a spirit of their own, as humans do, and they
want to help us, as long as we are friendly towards them.

Everyone has an animal spirit guide who wants to 'guide' and help!  The guides can change through the years...right now a dove and crow are by my side and I honor them. There are more spirit guides around me-apparently I need a lot of protection and guidence! LOL  There may be one or two particular animals or nature spirits  that seem to stay with you your whole lifetime.

The best way to find out your guide is to see a shaman practioner with a great reputation  as I once did. The Dove brought back peace into my life the the Crow, my Trickster. Another way is to meditate and find the guide yourself.  You may think because you love cats that your guide will be a cat.  Not necessarily!  All animals are important in their own way.  Even the most courageous leaders and shamans have had such animal spirit guides such as Mouse, or Chickadee.  Never feel discouraged because you keep dreaming of Ant!  I run into Ant all the time, one time he even aboarded my alter--telling me to be patient!

Is there a particular animal you dream about?  You may find you have a question, problem or situation that needs the help of a spirit totem.  One time a few years ago I ran into Fox symbols all day, even saw a mother and baby fox!  Right in Cleveland!!  What I am trying to say here is to keep your ears and eyes open, or you will pass by what 'muggles' take for granted! 

A good way to ask for an animal spirit guide is to pray for one to come into your dreams before you go to bed.  An idea I came up with is to hold a brown candle and fill it with your intend on finding a guide in your dreams.  Ask with much respect for your animal guide to come to you.  Light the candle before you sleep and keep it lite all night as symbolizing the light in the darkness so the animal can find it's way to you. (keep the candle small, and have it burning in a safe place where there is no chance of it getting knocked over!).  If that is impossible, leave the candle out.

You can also meditate everyday asking the animal to come to you.  Using a rattle or drum seems to help, perhaps because since the beginning of time the spirits have been  used to hearing the drumming and rattling in their honor.  In Wicca, the frame drum or rattle does not seem to be encouraged, yet it is a very worldwide ancient way of worship, a great way to create sacred space, they can be a great tool for any Witch to have.  The ancient Greek woman are shown on vases drumming with frame drums and dancing.

After you find your guides, alway honor them in some way; donate to a charity that caters to that animal and dance to,  for, and
with your spirit guide- by dancing in a large circle, spiraling towards the center, and become the animal.

Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews, and Totems by Brad Steiger are excellent books in finding out more on animal spirit guides.  I bought Animal Speak in 1998, and it is always in use!
Another good way to incorrporate the animal and bird spirits in your life is to get
Medicine Cards.  I pull one everyday to give me guidence--and they haven't steered me wrong yet!  The Medicine Cards grant wisdom for the day, or a for certain situation, so the outcome you need, or want, is accomplished.  They can help out in any difficult situation, or anytime you need guidence in your life.

Though books on Wicca do not go into much (if any) detail on animal spirit guides (and they should) I hope you incorrporate them into your life.  Any book on shamanism will help you on this path of animal spirit guides.  All ancient traditions honored and connected with animals in some way, and as we come to know more and more how much we are "All related". It does not matter what tradition you have choosen.   Meditation and praying to the spirit of an animal/bird/nature guide, and knowing the guide is by your side protecting you, is peaceful and rewarding.     ~ Shining Doe
Click here for a story of my meeting with  Spider woman
Animal Totems A-Z
Retreiving Spirit Animals
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