When I lived in Ohio my husband and I joined a drumming group given by a wonderful couple, Jackie and Herb in Solon.  It was my first drumming experiences and never have forgotten it.
There were about 30 people in a large room full of stones and crystals.  Everyone either had a Native American style drum, (called a frame or hoop drum) a rattle, flute, or bells of some sort. 
The music we created was so beautiful I wish I had recorded it!

In a Spirit Drumming circle the ultimate goal is not keeping in beat with your neighbor next to you.  It is NOT about if you even know how to drum at all!!

So many people have told me, "I do not attend drumming circles, as I do not know how to drum." Or even worse, "I felt bad when I was told I was constantly off beat- I felt I did not belong".

It is in a true
healing spirit drumming circle that you do not really need to really know how to drum.... bringing a drum, rattle, bells, anything that makes you feel more connected with the God/Goddess/Great Spirit/Universe/Nature is all that you need!

I have a Native frame drum, and a Celtic drum (bodhran); what I play depends on how I feel that night.  Hey, sometimes it's the tamborine!  Most in my group were new at drumming, and still the music we create has been strong, beautiful, and completely empowering!!  Because it was created by our spirit and heart more than our hands.

Drumming  is one of the oldest form of worship, celebration, and healing your spirit.  The beat of the drum is a form of meditation, brings peace to the mind as yoga does.  To the Native Americans the drum often symbolizes joining in community.  The drum is often reguarded as having it's own spirit.  I treat my drum as any alter tool-with the utmost respect and care.  Often, our minds are moving so fast--do this, go to work, clean the house, take care of the kids, etc...drumming in front of your alter or any sacred place you have slows you down and centers you.  It helps organized any scattered energies and blows away any negative energy you might have acumulated.

Drumming on the Full Moon has a purpose.  The moon at it's fullest has been proven to have a great force to move the tides to incredible heights.  Police have repoted that there is more crime during this time--a LOT of energy all around us, and to one who doesn't  understand it's power can be lead astray-think of the Werewolf stories!  Power is most potent during a Full Moon and energy moves quickly and easily.   Passion is heightened.  Drumming at this time sends your energy and intent where you need it the most.  Drumming at this time could be for worship, just a way of thanking the Goddess you are alive and well.  It could be for a healing for yourself or someone you know. It could also be a way to connect with your spirit guide-or to ask for one.  I have come to know my Native drum is more for healing, my Celtic drum for more of a celebration.  I did not decide that, the drums decided that for me! 

Everyone has their own personnal spirit drum beat.  When you find it, there you are!  Just relax and drum how you FEEL...go into right-brain mode, and when everyone does that, all are in harmony!  You don't
have to stay in beat with anyone, that completely takes the meaning out of 'spirit' drumming and the entire purpose.  Just relax and let the Goddess move your wrist for you...you will feel the spirit move through you through the drum beats......You may even want to get up and dance!  I have been told by a shamanic practioner that it is best to shield yourself before drummings with a white light, as when people go through healing in a drumming circle...well let's just say all type of energy is attracted to circles and someone's sickness could attach itself to you when it leaves the person.   Drumming stirs good energy and helps disipate any negative energy, but I thought if I was recently told that,  I was meant to add it to this link.

ANY type of drumming can stir the blood and move the spirit in you! Some beautiful music comes from that. I have never been to a 'bad' drumming circle.  I have watched drumming concerts and have been to some great 'jams' where the music keeps a  certain beat and sounds beautiful and so uplifting spiritually!   However, when it comes to a communty joining together for some informal worship,
any way YOU feel like playing is the right way!   -Shining Doe

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