What Is Reiki?
Reiki is universal life force energy. The word Reiki originates from the words raku-kei and is the art and science of spiritual self improvement. Reiki is pronounced "Ray-Key". Rei is a Japenese word meaning "Universal". It is also a reference to the higher dimension of light and the soul. Ki means "Vital life force energy". This energy interpenetrates and connects all.
Reiki is a technique that can be used for stress reduction, relaxation and spiritual healing. Although all healers use life force energy or Ki, not all use Reiki. Reiki is a special kind of life force that can
only be channeled by someone who has been attuned to it. 
There is universal energy all around us!  Whether someone believes in it or not does not matter.  Rieki can be used to treat people, animals, birds, even car engines!!  When I perform Reiki the universal light energy enters me also, so I get a special healing as well.

What is a Reiki treatment?
A Reiki treatment is basically the "laying on of hands". Usually the client lies down fully clothed on a massage table. Energy is transferred from the hands of the practioner to the client via gentle placement of the hands. The practioner works on the body from the top of the head down to the feet. The client usually receives Reiki on both the front and back of the body. Each placement is held in position for 2-5 minutes. There is no pressure or manipulation of tissues involved.   There are many ways to give Reiki.  Some healers work on the chakras, some work completely from head to toe. 

Long distance healing with Reiki can also be done. Reiki energy is transferred without actually touching the person being treated. Distance healing is more advanced and needs to be given by either a Second or Third Degree Reiki practioner.
Learning Reiki
There are different degrees of training for Reiki. The following is a very basic description of each degree.

The First Degree consists of learning how to do a self-healing and to give a treatment to others.It also allows for the treatment of plants and animals

The Second Degree, which is what I am,  allows for treatment of mental/emotional imbalances as well as distance healing.

Master Training-3rd Degree is third degree which you learn more symbols to increase healing, the Usui Reiki Master symbol, which has great blessing power.  This training is for one who does not want to teach Reiki, yet wants to increase the healing power. This is what I plan on in the near future.

Master Teaching Degree-3rd Degree   is another third degree which you learn how to teach Reiki to others, plus learning how to give the attunments to open one up to Reiki healing.

The Reiki Principles
Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Just for today I will not worry.

Just for today I will not be angry.

Just for today I will do my work honestly.

Just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
The more you do Reiki the stronger your Reiki will be.  If you do not give Reiki for years, the ability does not go away, yet someone who does rieki everyday will have stronger intuition, the person may be able to 'feel' the energy of the reciever better.  Reiki  reminds me a bit of going to the chiroprator!  One session is not enough if you are ill.  A very sick person could use Reiki a couple times a week for a month...I have done Reiki once or twice on friends and the energy going through the body can make the unexpected happen.  One woman, after my treatment, cried hours later....repressed feeling of a bad relationship with her mother which she had kept on the inside until she could not function well day to day.  The crying left her so relieved!!  Reiki is known to bring out emotions that have been hiding away in the subconscience, but always with a feeling of gladness and relief afterwards.  Another friend was pleased to find her headache disapearing as I applied Reiki to her head and neck.

The day I received the attunments was the last day I resented my mother for abandoning me-I then felt sorry for her, pited her weakness, but any anger was completly gone.

One must be careful if deciding to become a Reiki healer.  It is wonderful to receive the attunments and blessings from the universe, however you are also allowing yourself to be more open emotionally.  Karma comes quicker to those with the Reiki attunments as you are more in touch with the universal energies.  You may become more empatheic and feels other's pain more.  This has happened to me for certain, and I have learned it is best to ground myself everyday and center myself to keep from being 'afloat' in the 'real' world.  Of course sometimes I forget... :)
The History of Reiki
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