Wing Zero: A Mechanical Marvel
-The System and the Mobile Suit-
The Zero System

   The Zero System; it is used to make mobile suit pilots into the ultimate soldiers. If you are like me, you were first introduced to the Zero System when you watched the Gundam Wing series. I only thought it increased the fighting ability of the pilot. I never bothered to look up information on its past or its true intentions.

AC 195: The Zero System is used in the Wing Zero, and the Epyon. All the Gundam pilots, Milliardo Peacecraft/Zechs Merquise, and few OZ soldiers have operated with the Zero System.
   The Zero System creates the perfect soldier. It nullifies all fear of death by providing the pilot with future reference of his/her demise, thus giving the pilot knowledge of how he/she can avoid death. The Zero System brings out the pilot�s maximum potential during battle, and digs deep into your mind and guides you to who your real enemy is.
   Many have handled with the Zero System. Soldiers have failed in mastering it, and ended up withdrawing in insanity. Many have not only gone insane, but also died in the process.
   Yet there are those who are capable of mastering the Zero System. Milliardo Peacecraft/Zechs Merquise was capable to master it with his Gundam Epyon. Even though Quatre went insane, he later mastered the Zero System close to the end on the series. Heero was indeed the �perfect� soldier. Heero not only mastered it, but he exceeded it.

PAST: The Zero System was first created by 5 Gundam Scientists: Doctor J, Professor G, Doctor S, Master O, and Instructor H.
   I know what you�re thinking. �How did Quatre get a hold of the Wing Zero?� The answer is simple. When the 5 Gundam Scientists split up, Instructor H took the plans with him. He found a home among the Winner family, and the information on the Wing Zero, and the Zero System was stored in the Winner family�s computer. In AC 195, Quatre discovers the plans of the Wing Zero and the Zero System, and brings the plans to life.
   When OZ captured the 5 Gundam Scientist, they probably got the scientist to fess up about the Zero System. Thus, the Epyon was created along with the Zero System.

FUTURE: As we all know, the Epyon was destroyed in outer space, aboard a section of Libra. The Wing Zero was sent to the sun, brought back, and exploded while shooting its third shot at the Mariemaia base. Those Gudams held the Zero System, but are no more. The remains of the Zero System plans are still in question.
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