Gustya Indriani
P&D of birth: Bandung, August 6th, 1976
Nationality: Indonesian

Personal Statement

Be positive.
Be an open-minded person.
And be tough !

I do love to see the world and learn about human characters.
Each person has her/his own "colour", and mine is shaped by what I see on them....


BSc.Hons (Cum Laude)
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
Feb 19, 2000
Environmental Engineering
majoring in Air Pollution Control

Personal Interests

Born and raised up in Bandung, a pretty city in West Java, Indonesia, which I lived in until Schlumberger took me away to see another part of the world.

During my scholar times, I always joined the students' activities. It taught me a lot how to work (and to play or hang out together, of course) with my friends there. I  do believe in friendship, and all of my friends are my family.

Being a book lover, I spend my time with reading various books (and comics): from Dahl to Rowling, from Rumi to Whitman, from Tintin to Calvin & Hobbes....
To suppport this hobby, I learn some foreign languages (in order to be able to read books on their original version): English, French, German (intermediate) and Spanish (basic).

I like music and movies, too.


After graduated from university and then join Schlumberger, I do not have a lot of outwork activities. Such a pity, I know, but still  I try to manage and adjust my time. Normally I spend my leisure time on reading, hanging out with some friends, music listening and going to the movie.

Most of my last year in university was spent in LKPD Veritas, a student organization on studies about democracy, where I was its head of Politics Studies Department from Feb '99 until Feb '00.

In addition, I did assistant jobs for Laboratory of Air Quality, Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and English course in ITB's Preparation Grade (for Art & Design Faculty's students). It was a great experience to know and be a friend of my juniors; at least I felt younger and being up-dated when hang around with them :)

Instead of joining any extracurricular organization, during my first and second year I joined the organization of EE's Stundents. It taugt me how to adapt to my study's atmosphere. That was the place where I know a lot of students in my facutly. I did find some best friends there which keep in touch with me until now.

There are some other activities I did during my university years (e.g. did practical job in Seawatch Indonesia, be a member of team for some national science exhibitions), but the main point is, be honest,
all of it enriched me a lot.
I find in me a different (developed?) person (a better one, I hope) every single day ... :)

And then, back to my high school times.
I always love to enjoy the music, so I joined Keluarga Paduan Angklung ('92-'95; I was its chief during '93-'94) and Marching Band ('89-'92).
As usually, I was in student organizations, too (as a member of board at senior high school; as General Secretary in '91-'92 and Second Vice President in '90-'91 at junior high school).

Home Germany
Environmental Engineering ITB, Class of 95
The Netherlands
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