Star Dragon vs. Gekiganger

These are the starvenger ships getting ready to assemble. "Dragon formation switch on!", is the call sign to become the star dragon. This robot uses the most powerful attack in giant robot history, the Star Energiser weapon. This is only used half way through the series as Dr.C developes it to beat some other robot.
For the ultimate in Stavenger viewing, see my home made Gif! Warning takes time!
Dragon Formation Switch On!
Small version
These are the Gekiganger crafts ready to assemble into Gekiganger, it consists of the three pilots, Ken, Joe and Akira combining their crafts together. Ken then takes the lead as the head pilot. He shouts the names of the attacks to allow the team mates to help by pressing buttons if necessary. Not because their weapons are voice activated! When they are in trouble they transform back to these crafts.
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