Diving Dilema

Ever dived? Did you think it was good? Or totally a rip-off? Well a number of Habbos complained about it, so the Habbo-Secrets-News team decided to investigate...

Habbo Lido II
The Cost:
3 Habbo Crecits (30p)
Popularity in hotel:
Dives a day(max.):
Fun rating:
Overall rating:
The diving was hard to get used to, but it was very boring for 3 credits, which could be spent on furniture. You might aswell just go on any old games site for 3 and do this.
Rip-off or Fun-filled: Rip-off
Hobba Dreams...

Ever wanted to become a hobba?!? Well now you can!...... Well not exactly. As you can see on the right, it looks as if I am a hobba! But no, I did this using paint. So no, I am not a hacker, or one of those stupid Habbos who go around with a fake Hobba badge!

If you think you can do this enter the HabboGoldCompetition by clicking here

Dark Blue Stickies? Cool Pictures on them?...

Pretty cool huh? Well I don't know about the dark blue bit, but YOU can have a cool number, eg. 13, on YOUR sticky in YOUR room. (just make sure no-one deletes it, he he)

All you have to do is sign the gusetbook with your name, room name and habbo name, with the number you want. Then I'll come and doi it on your sticky! Just simply leave a blacnk sticky out and I'll come (or someone from the team) and will picture on the number.... cool!
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