"L�gume Mirliton" /Baked Christophene (serves 4)

2 christophene, peeled, cored and cut into chunks
1 small onion, chopped
1 tablespoon butter
freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon fresh bread crumbs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a small casserole wuth butter or margarine and set aside.

Cook the christophene until soft in 1 cup of boiling water with 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Drain well and mash with a fork until pureed. Add the onion, butter, and black pepper to the puree. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake for 15 minutes. Serve hot.

"Bananes Pes�es"

4 green plantains sliced into 3/4 inch discs
vegetable oil

Soak the banana discs in salted water for one hour. Drain and dry using a cloth (important for frying). Saut� the plaintain slices in vegetable oil until tender. Flatten the plaintain by pounding or pressing on them until they are half as thick. Refry until golden brown and crusty. (serves 4)


1 egg
1 cup finely grated malanga root
5 dried Italian pepper pods
or 1 small piece hot pepper
1 tablespoon coarse salt
6 peppercorns
1/2 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves
Peanut oil for frying, heated to 365�F

Pound together to a paste the pepper pods, salt, peppercorns, onion, and garlic, in a mortar. Add seasoning paste and egg to grated malanga root, beat until light. Drop mixture by spoonfuls into heated oil and fry until golden. Drain on absorbent paper. Makes 20 fritters.


1 egg yolk
1 cup of smoked herring, shrimp or fish
2 egg whites, stiffly beaten
1 tablespoon coarse salt
2 peppercorns
1 scallion or green onion, cut in pieces
2 parsley sprigs
1/8 teaspoon ground mace
1 teaspoon lime juice
4 drops of Tabasco sauce
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 1/2 cups water
Peanut oil for frying, heated to 365�F

Pound to a paste the salt, peppercorns, scallion, parsley, mace, lime juice, and Tabasco in a mortar. Sift flour with baking powder into a bowl. Mix in water, seasoning paste, egg yolk, and desired cooked ingredient. Fold in beaten egg white. Pour the batter by tablespoonfuls into the heated fat, it will spread. Gather the batter with a circular motion as it floats on top of the fat and looks like a wafer. Fry until crisp, golden, and lacelike. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve hot.

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