The multiplayer map SideWinder is another one of the big maps with vehicle support. This level is not too great for sniping, but really good for all you Scorpion Tank lovers. First, a quick runthrough of where the weapons and vehicles are located.
    The plasma rifle, assault rifle and health pack are located on the first floor of each base. Go farther in, and you'll find 4 fragmentation grenades (I don't think there are any plasma grenades). On the second floor, you will find a sniper rifle on the back, and 2 shotguns on one side. On the other side is a teleporter. The rocket launcher is on the cliffs on the sides. The needlers are inside one of the caves. The camoflauge and over-shield are inside a down-tunnel.
     The vehicles are in front of the bases. The Scorpion Tank is directly in front, hidden in trees. The Warthogs are beside it, and so are the Ghosts.

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