If you can't beat the aliens, then read upon there descriptions here, and figure out the best way to kill them.


    GRUNTS: Grunts are among the easiest aliens to kill. Just about anything will do, including one melee attack. The veteran with the red armour are more difficult, as they are smarter and faster. Grunts usually stay with other aliens like Elites and Jackals. Knock out an Elite, and the surrounding Grunts will flee.

    JACKALS: Jackals are bird-like craetures with energy shields. There are 2 types: ones with the blue shield, and ones with the orange shield. The blue ones ar easier. A Jackal's shield deflects all projectile attacks (except rockets). Their shields overheat when being hit by plasma weapons. The easiest way to kill them is to shoot them, so they'll duck being their shield, then walk up to it and melee attack them.

    Elites are the officers of the Covenant forces. They come in 5 colours: blue, red, gold, black, and camoflauged. The blues are the easiest, while the gold are the hardest. Elites wear armour of the same strength as yours, but it is very vulnerable to plasma weapons. My favourite way to get them is to use the plasma pistol, and fire small bursts until they die.

    Hunters: are the hardest Covenants soldiers. They wear exceptionally thick armour, and mount a strong shield and fuel rod gun. Projectile weapons have absolutely no effect whatsoever from the front. But on their backs, you will see orange spots. Those are the unarmoured parts. What I like to do is to first overcharge the plasma pistol, fire, then use a melee attack so the pistol cools down faster. Then, just keep firing small bursts. Believe it or not, Hunters are extremely easy to take ouy with plasma pistols. Naturally, a well-aimed rocket does the trick in one shot.


    The Flood comes in 3 forms: the Combat Forms (they are the infected ones who can carry any weapon and have a lethal punch), the Infection Forms (the little ones who infect you), and the Exploders (ones that explode). A shotgun takes out any form of Flood in one shot (close up of course), but don't waste any ammo on the little Infection forms, since they don't do much to you.


    Sentinels are the floating machines that destroys the Flood with you. Later, in the 8th level, they turn on you because you refuse to hand over the Index to the Monitor (343 Guilty Spark). They are easy to defeat with a shotgun or plasma pistol. They have not so powerful laser beams.

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