Is the Covenant getting you down? One of these hints or cheats might give you the upper hand.

Glitch: Floating Plasma Grenade
     In Assault on the Control Room, when you get to the first lift (elevator thing), stand behind the sign that says Press X to Activate Lift, and throw a plasma grenade into the center of the lift. The lift will go down, but the grenade will float in front of you. The grenade will harm you, so if you have low health, you will die after it explodes.

First Bridges in Assault
     This extremely cool trick to get down the first bridges in Assault on the Control Room. If this is done correctly, then there will be no more enemies left in the game.
     Here's how to do it. Start the level Assault on the Control Room in cooperative mode. Get to the part were Cortana starts talking about the weather patterns, and there will be two bridges. First, kill the sleeping Grunts with a melee attack. Look to the left side of the bridge; if you look over the side, you will notice that the rock wall has a ledge on it. Next, go to the left of the door. Stand against the wall facing the edge of the bridge. Then run forward and jump over the edge and land on the rock wall ledge. Have the other player do the same. If you lose any health in the fall, kill each over so that you respawn with full health. One person stays right there and the other person goes up a bit forward, not too far. Next, the guy who didn't move has to fall off the ledge. When he starts to fall, the other guy has to start running forward on the ledge. At the end of the ledge is a little hill; keep running straight. The guy who fell should die right as the other guy is running up and off the little hill. When you start to fall, keep the joystick pushed forward as if you were running. 2.5 second before you hit, push the stick to the left. This is the most important part! If you did it right, you should slide of the white ledge without dying and die on the ground below. The cool part is that your partner will immediately respawn as you slide off. Now it gets easy. Wait for the other guy to respawn. Then, facing the people on the ground below, turn right and go along the white ledge until you see that the edge of the ground goes down and then up and it forms a divot. Stand in the divot and go off really slowly. After you start to fall, fuci back and hug up against the cliff side. You�re aiming for a white bump at the bottom of the hill. If you do everything right, then you should live through the final drop. Have the other guy fall because he'll respawn.
     There you go. Now the entire level will have no more enemies. Have fun!
     Also, if you do this trick fast enough, you can actually enter the Pelican (dropship) on the ground as it's taking off. That a heck of a ride! Rating: 4.67 with 6 votes.

Faster Completion of Level 2
     On level 2, you can complete it faster by killing every group of surviving marines. Cortana will say that there are no survivors. Contact echo 419 and tell her, and then Cortana will say to go search for the next lifeboat. So, the faster you kill the faster it goes. Rating: 4 with 3 votes.

Glitch: Ghost Driver in Warthog
     At the beginning movie of the first level when the captain is talking to the line of men as he walks up the ramp, look at the warthog that drives by ... it has no one in it.

Skip half of Assault on the Control Room
     Complete the level until you can acquire the scorpion tank. Get the tank and destroy all the enemies in the general area. Then go to the downed pelican dropship and acquire the rocket launcher. After you acquire the rocket launcher, instead of going through the cave go to the left side passage, look up�you will see a balcony. Now put those rockets to use; shoot a few rockets roughly around the center of the platform, sometimes a little to the right will help greatly. If you have done it right, a Banshee should fall off; you can either go and get it or go and get the tank to destroy the enemies. (I suggest the tank as it can't be destroyed like the Banshee.) After the enemies are eliminated, go through the tunnel that exits that area. (If you used the tank, go and get the Banshee.) Park the Banshee so it doesn't get hit. Eliminate all enemies in the area, then keep moving on to the next area. There will be a lot of enemies after you get the cut-scene; destroy all of them and then proceed out of the cave.
     You will encounter a covenant dropship. Do not engage enemies; instead, fly high enough so that they can't hit you. Then fly over the rest of the level until you get to the two bridges over the battlefield, fly up to the bridges, go to the one farthest away (if you're coming in) and go through the door on the right. There will be no more enemy resistance for the rest of the level.

Flood as Pets
     Have you ever wanted a pet flood? All you have to do is shoot off the arms (both of them) of a flood and he will follow you where ever you want to go. He won't hurt you, and they�re actually kinda cute when they�re helpless. Also, if he makes you mad, he's disposable because there will be more. Rating: 3.67 with 174 votes.

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