Out of the Dragons Lair - Part #2

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[Part 2 of 5 ]

(... Continued from Part 1 )

The following information was released by Leading Edge Research and describes some additional details concerning the serpent race/greys based upon the findings of several researchers who have pooled their investigations in order to find out more about this apparent enemy of mankind. The following scenario emerged from this cooperative effort (emphasis ours - Branton):

"NOTES ON ALF (Alien Life Forms): Term used by the government to describe the Greys in terms of being a MALEVOLENT life form. The deal with the Greys is that their field around their body is different (from) ours to the point where merging of the fields ends up creating physical symptoms (the 'body terror' mentioned by people like Whitley Strieber). The field around them is in direct opposition to ours. IT IS AN ANTI-LIFE FIELD... THEY ARE EXPERTS OF MANIPULATION OF BOTH THE HUMAN BODY (THROUGH MANIPULATION OF THE FIELDS) AND THE HUMAN MIND. THEY REQUIRE BLOOD AND OTHER BIOLOGICAL FLUIDS to survive. THEY ABDUCT HUMANS AND ANIMALS IN ORDER TO ACQUIRE THESE FLUIDS (i.e. being 'vampiristic' in their nature - Branton). They implant small devices near the brain which potentially GIVES THEM TOTAL CONTROL AND MONITORING CAPABILITY. These devices are very difficult to detect. The analysis of the devices by technical staff has produced a description that involves use of crystalline technology combined with molecular circuitry and these ride on the resonant emissions of the brain and the various fields of the human (body). Information is entrained on the brain waves. It appears that all attempts to remove the implants (1972) have resulted in the death of the human. They perform surgery and other operations on human subjects. These abductions continue to be an ongoing matter. A list of abductees is provided periodically to MAJI, although IT IS KNOWN THAT MANY MORE ARE ABDUCTED THAN ARE REPORTED... Various descriptions of the ALF's relate the following characteristics: Between 3 to 5 feet in height, erect standing biped, small thin build, head larger than humans, absence of auditory lobes (external), absence of body hair, large... eyes (slanted approximately 35 degrees) WHICH ARE OPAQUE BLACK WITH VERTICAL SLIT PUPILS, ARMS RESEMBLING PRAYING MANTIS (normal attitude) which reach to the knees, long hands with small palm, CLAW-LIKE FINGERS (various number of digits - often two short digits and two long, but some species have three or four fingers), tough gray skin WHICH IS REPTILIAN IN TEXTURE, small feet WITH FOUR SMALL CLAW-LIKE TOES... a non-functioning digestive system; TWO SEPARATE BRAINS; movement is deliberate, slow and precise; ALIEN SUBSTANCE REQUIRES THAT THEY MUST HAVE HUMAN BLOOD AND OTHER BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES to survive. In extreme circumstances they can subsist on other (cattle, etc.) animal fluids. Food is converted to energy by Chlorophyll, by a photosynthetic process (this supports results gained from autopsies at 29 Palms underground base where it was seen that their 'blood' was greenish and the tissue was black). Waste products are secreted through the skin. The two separate brains are separated by mid-cranial lateral bone (anterior and posterior brain). There is no apparent connection between the two (could one be an 'individual' brain while the other works as a 'collective consciousness' brain? - Branton). Some autopsies have revealed a crystalline network which is thought to have a function in telepathic (and other) functions which help to maintain the group consciousness between members of the same species. Functions of group consciousness in this species does have a disadvantage in that decisions in this species comes rather slowly as the matter at hand filters through the group awareness of those who must make the decision..."

In relation to the above description of 'implant' devices, we will now quote from another short account which appeared in the N.A.R. (now L.E.R.) documents:

"...According to one source, Stan Friedman was either involved with or knew of the extraction of two spherical implants from two cadavers. The implants were examined and opened. Inside there were crystalline structures which were then examined under an electron microscope. Inside the crystalline structure were micro-miniature electronic circuits."

Friedman has according to some researchers held the same views as Jamie Shandera and William Moore, i.e., that the 'Greys' are actually 'benevolent' and the animal mutilations, abductions, underground bases and similar scenarios do not exist. Since these men have allegedly been tied-in with the CIA, which in turn is--according to many sources--now partially or mostly under the control of the alien-grey powers, such statements against the facts would be in keeping with an organization that has been infiltrated via implantation, etc., by malevolent alien forces. Some suspect that Moore is either working for or being misled by certain members of MJ-12 to spread disinformation, while at the same time still admit the existence of UFOs and 'Greys' which is now becoming impossible to refute, and also deny the malevolent aspects. This suggests that in spite of the obvious predatory nature of the saurian greys, certain branches of the CIA are still abiding by the dubious 'treaties' which call for a U.S. government's denial of the abductions, implantations, mutilations, and so on. NAR in it's May, 1989 issue, referred to yet another man who many believe is a blatantly deceiving disinformation agent:

"Philip Klass, self-confessed UFO expert, gave his rendition of what UFOs really are on March 31 and April 1, 1989 at the Spring Valley Library in LAS VEGAS. Arthur C. Clarke, science fiction author, called Klass's recent book 'UFO ABDUCTIONS: A DANGEROUS GAME', a 'welcome breath of sanity in a field where it's sadly lacking.' Unfortunately for both Mr. Clarke and Mr. Klass, the sad fact is that the abduction process is neither a game nor has any degree of perceptible sanity. Many doubt Klass, a former writer assigned to AVIATION WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY has any conception about what the abductions really involve. Many view Mr. Klass in the same category as William Moore, who many believe to be employed by the Defense Investigative Service. Moore has, over the past year, been involved in diverting attention away from real issues towards MJ-12 documents and other literary busywork, while thousands of abductees struggle to discover their true involvement in 'alien' activities."

The following article, titled 'ALIENS ON EARTH', was written by the Rev. Anthony G. Pike, a United Kingdom correspondent for NICUFO. This article appeared in the Fall, 1991 issue of 'UFO JOURNAL':

"...I have recently received inside information from a British Government source who states that Britain is the World Headquarters for the storage of alien bodies. At present, there are about 300 alien bodies stored in various parts of Britain; of which, about 25 are in suspended animation. Throughout the rest of the world, however, there are only about 60 bodies - including the USA! I then inquired as to the reason why so many bodies were stored in Britain rather than the USA. The answer was that 'Britain can keep a better secret'. You see, Britain has probably more secrets stored away than any other nation on earth, & has numerous laws preventing people from gaining access to those secrets or publishing them through the media. This is illustrated in the fact that Britain has no UFO magazines available on the newsstands. However, a few years back Tim Green Beckley attempted to put 'UFO UNIVERSE' out on the newsstands here, & it lasted for just 2 issues before the Government banned it. There are also very tight restrictions on the media - remember, Britain has only 4 main TV stations; which makes it easier for the Government to (control) what goes out. There is also a branch of M15 at the BBC who prevent any classified information from reaching the public. I was told that the famous astronomer, Patrick Moore, was warned by M15 that if he wanted to get on in life he better keep quiet about the alien bases he's seen on the moon. I was also informed that there are 1000's of live aliens among us on the earth; & that the aliens are divided up into 5 groups, i.e. the human-looking ones, the 12 ft. giants, small cat-eyes (or vertical-slit pupiled reptilian-eyed beings such as the saurian greys - Branton), wiry aliens & gnome-type aliens. Many of the aliens, however, are living in vast underground bases... Some of the more evil types, such as the 'Greys' are also working hand in glove with the US Government on advanced genetics & mind control. This Secret Government is seeking to control & manipulate the human race for its own end (could this U.S. "secret government" cooperation with the British Empire be tied-in with the allegations made by certain researchers that the 22 "Palladium" Masonic Lodges in charge of Illuminati world revolution originally were spawned from the Grand Lodge of England? Actually A-ALBIONIC RESEARCH., Box 20273., Ferdale, MI 48220., presents much evidence that the Grand Masonic Lodge of London and the Grand Jesuit Lodge of Rome have conspired together for centuries through the 'Illuminati' to take over the nations of the earth and acclimate them into a 'New World Order', including and especially the Christian Republic of America, since it's birth. - Branton)... I was also informed that our galaxy is governed by a group of beings who one might call an 'Angelis Command Corps.' (fallen or unfallen 'angelics'? - Branton) In this sector they generally meet in the Pleiades & Sirius. My Government source also says that he has personally seen about 50 alien bodies stored in the UK; & that he was taken in a blacked out helicopter somewhere 'up North' to a laboratory run by the British Security Forces where he saw a set of 3 transparent coffins containing 3 giant aliens about 10-12 ft. tall (could these be the human El-Anakim who are believed to have bases deep below the western U.S., Alaska and Mexico, etc.? - Branton). However, the coffins are impregnable & the Government has been unable to break them open. I was also told that 13 sets of similar coffins have been discovered in different parts of the world. Also, the TIMES newspaper last year ran a couple of articles reproduced from Pravda stating that giant aliens have landed in SEVERAL locations in Estonia, Lithuania, & Hungary. In Hungary a whole regiment actually converged with the aliens face to face. Timothy Good, the British UFO researcher, has been given three letters from the U.S. Government stating that in August 1992, the US government is planning to put UFOs & alien bodies on a show to the public in the COSMIC JOURNEY EXHIBITION. I was also told that the calamities that are taking place are for the good of the planet and are causing people to think about alternatives to the present system... I was told that this collapse of the old order will include a collapse of the PRESENT MONETARY SYSTEM (a prelude to a 'New World Order' inspired by the reptilian greys? - Branton), the IMF & the WORLD BANK. The space people themselves, say they have no frontiers, no passports, & no money. I was also told that the atomic bomb will be phased out; & that present day transportation & energy will be replaced by the LINEAR MOTOR & ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. I was also told that there is a revolutionary new fuel which has been supplied by the aliens to someone in South America who is now running his car on it. I also know that it is possible to run cars on ordinary tap water (there's someone in Australia doing it right now) & that all diseases can be cured with simple H2O2 (water with an extra oxygen molecule on it) including AIDS, cancer, colds & toot decay (H2O2 is excellent for brushing teeth - it removes all plaque & decay instantly)... - further information on any of the above matters & much more can be obtained by writing to Rev. Anthony G. Pike., 141 Austen Road., South Harrow HA2 OUU Middex, U.K."

The following list of 'entity types' seems to correspond partially with the list given in the above letter. This list of 'aliens' comes from the anonymous Intelligence worker 'Commander X', as he received them from John Lear and other 'inside' sources:

"THREE TYPES OF EBE'S (GRAYS): GRAY-1 - 3 1/2 feet tall. Large head. Large slanted eyes. Worship technology. Don't give a damn about mankind. GRAY-2 - Same type, different finger arrangement, slightly different face. More sophisticated than Gray-1... May not need secretions (large-nosed or large-muzzled grays? - Branton). GRAYS: Same basic type. Lips thinner. More subservient to other two grays.

"BLONDES, SWEDES, NORDICS: Known by any of these monikers. Similar to humans (although it is unknown as to whether they are related to any of the nationalities mentioned). Blond hair, blue eyes. Will not break (so-called) 'universal law' of 'non- interference' to help us...

"INTER-DIMENSIONAL: Entity that can assume various shapes... (most likely fallen angelic. These often apparently utilize androidal forms, temporary energy forms, forms constructed from restructured physical matter, or even physical 'shells' constructed in forms similar to grays, humans or other configurations - Branton)

"HAIRY DWARF'S: Four feet tall, 35 lbs. Extremely strong. Hairy (possibly a degenerate branch of humanoid Sasquatch - Branton).

"VERY TALL RACE: Look like humans but seven or eight feet tall. United with Blondes.


"MIB'S: (Men In Black). Wear all black. Sunglasses. Very pale skin. Do nor conform to normal accepted patterns; Extremely sensitive to light..."

Commander X also related the following concerning the 'Inter-Dimensionals' who have obtained physical forms allowing them to operate in the physical world:

"...What the government didn't realize was that they (the Grays) planned to abduct tens of thousands of individuals, plant monitoring devices in their brains, and program them with specific series' of responses to direct commands.

"The EBEs--also behind our backs--began to mutilate cows and other animals because they wished to use their tissues TO CREATE A GENETICALLY ADVANCED RACE OF FLESH AND BLOOD ROBOTS. When the government realized what the EBEs had in mind, and wanted to back out of their agreement, THE 'ALIENS' TOOK OVER SEVERAL UNDERGROUND BASES WHERE THEY HAD ALREADY INSTALLED UNDERGROUND LABORATORIES."

Again, in reference to the 'serpent races', John A. Keel, in his book 'OUR HAUNTED PLANET' (1968. Fawcett Publications., Greenwich, Conn.) has stated:

"...The parahuman Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten ridge-making cultures of South America.

"...In some parts of the world the Serpent People successfully posed as gods and imitated the techniques of the superintelligence. This led to the formation of pagan religions centered around human sacrifices. The conflict, so far as man himself was concerned, became one of religions and races. Whole civilizations based upon the worship of these false gods rose and fell in Asia, Africa, and South America. The battleground had been chosen, and the mode of conflict had been decided upon.

"The human race would supply the pawns. The mode of control was complicated as usual. Human beings were largely free of direct control. Each individual HAD TO CONSCIOUSLY COMMIT HIMSELF TO ONE OF THE OPPOSING FORCES...

"The main battle was for what was to become known as the human soul.

"Once an individual had committed himself, he opened a door so that an indefinable something could actually enter his body and exercise some control over his subconscious mind (this would be either the pure Spirit of Christ or the corrupting spirit of anti-Christ. Just as nature hates a vacuum, so does the human spirit. In other words, what Keel is saying is that the human spirit cannot work entirely of it's own, but is a channel or a vessel of 'other' powers, whether good or evil. The act of 'free will' which is given to man is a 'choice' over which of these powers to submit to, and to accept personal responsibility for that choice - Branton).

"...the Serpent People or Omega Group, attacked man in various ways, trying to rid the planet of him. But the superintelligence was still able to look over man... God worked out new ways of communication and control, always in conflict with the Serpent People."

One of the classic examples of combined interaction between the physical Serpent Race and the other-dimensional 'Infernals' in a common cause is given in the case of Brian Scott. According to Commander X, the area where Scott was abducted within the Superstition mountains of Arizona contains an underground base where, he alleged, at least five individuals had been abducted (to the underground base) that he is aware of, Brian Scott being one of them. The Superstition mountains are notorious for the many bizarre deaths and beheadings that have taken place there. Many have alleged that in certain parts of this wasteland a sudden force or irrational impulse can come over a person and cause them to suddenly turn against others in their party. There have been several cases where strange 'voices' have driven treasure-hunters insane and, in some cases, driven them to kill their partners. Even though the following account does not specifically mention the underground base described by Commander X, other sources who have talked to Mr. Scott do suggest that an underground installation was involved. Brad Steiger, in his book 'THE UFO ABDUCTORS' (1988., Berkley Books., N.Y.) describes Brian Scott's experiences as follows:

"...Scott's first abduction reportedly occurred in the Arizona desert near Phoenix in 1971, and he claimed that another had just occurred on December 22, 1975, in Garden Grove, California. In between, Scott said, there were three other terrifying sessions with the aliens and repeated visits to his home by balls of light and a transparent being that called itself the Host.

"Incredibly, Scott found that a friend of his was already inside the craft. The two of them were taken into a small room that began to fill with a fog or a mist. Then they were confronted by four or five 'very horrifying' creatures. Scott described them as having gray skin like that of a crocodile or a rhino, with a thicker patch of hide over the front torso... The beings were seven feet tall, according to Scott, and... had three fingers and a thumb kicked over to one side."

Steiger then records a conversation between Scott and researcher Timothy Green Beckley:

"TIM BECKLEY: What happened on the day when your wife was sent to the hospital?

"SCOTT: She had been to work, pretty much handling everything that was going on around her. Then I got a call that she wasn't feeling very well. I brought her home, and after about fifteen minutes of sitting there talking with her, she was saying several things, none of which made any sense to me or to her. She said that she had been in the bathroom and suddenly felt hands all over her body. It was as if someone had broken into the house and molested her. When she calmed down and started making explanations to me about what the hell was wrong with her, it was as if, from her description, the guys I had seen aboard the craft in 1971 had visited her. This is odd, because she has never even seen any sketches that I made of those entities.

"BECKLEY: So this was an actual materialization--if you want to call it that--of the entities in the house?

"SCOTT: I don't know what is was.

"BECKLEY: But she was so upset that you decided to take her to the hospital?

"SCOTT: Later that evening, it seemed as if she was okay. I was on the phone, and the baby was getting into everything so I couldn't carry on the conversation. I got up and went looking for my wife. I heard a bumping sound and a moan coming from the bathroom. My wife was on the floor, hyperventilating. I got her up and onto a chair in the living room. I was on my way to call her mother when she just fell flat on her face. I called the paramedics, and while they were on the way, she got up and fell down again. Then she began to become hysterical. It took four paramedics to hold her down. She was throwing people around as if they were tissue paper. Guys were thrown backward against the furniture. Finally they loaded her up in the ambulance. I came back in the house, and the baby was not in the playpen. I panicked, because I couldn't find our one-year-old baby who got out of a playpen!"

Steiger continued: "Tim Beckley asked Scott about the Host. 'There is one entity that comes through that calls itself the Host, whatever that means,' Scott attempted to explain. 'It speaks in what sounds like some kind of computerized language. The voice seems to come out of me, an inner voice that is not mine. The entity says that I am one with it. It says, "I am; I am" or "You are one with me." When asked if it has a name, it will just come back and say, "I am; I am." (Note: According to Judeo-Christian teaching, as we read in the events surrounding Moses' ascent of Mt. Sinai, Almighty God alone can honestly profess that 'I Am that I Am', which in the original Hebrew means that He alone is self-existence and not dependent on an outside force, as all other created beings are, and therefore is 'God'. The events of molestation which took place against Scott's wife would indicate that 'the Host' IS NOT God, and therefore, as is the nature of the Infernals and the Serpent Races, it irreverently seems to blaspheme Almighty God with such statement as 'I AM' - Branton)

"'The other night we heard some strange sounds coming from the bedroom. I began to speak in a foreign language that we later found out was Greek. Where that came from, I don't know. I wrote in Greek BACKWARD. On top of that, I was writing with my left hand, and I am right-handed.

"'This voice was talking. We asked who it was, and the name Ashtar came out.

"'Then it began to use the name Ashtar and speak to my wife. It told her things about her past that only she could know. This went on for a while, then it went on to say it would give her all the money in the world. It only wanted one thing in return--her soul.'

"Beckley pointed out," Steiger continues "that is sounded as though diabolical entities might be coming onto the scene, attracted by the extreme vibrations. He also observed that ASHTAR sounded very much like ISHTAR, an ancient Babylonian goddess (Note: Ashtar-oth was also the legendary 'consort' to BAAL, the ancient Chaldean 'god' two whom the ancients offered up human sacrifices - Branton).

"...Beckley asked J.D. (an investigator associated with a civilian UFO investigations group who studied the Brian Scott incident) how he would differentiate between what may have originally been an abduction case and the various types of poltergeist phenomena that now seemed to prompt Scott's resultant trance state. Are they one and the same? Are they closely related mysteries? Or are they entirely different aspects of a more general phenomenon?

"J.D. indicated that he was aware that there had been other cases such as Scott's. The manifestations of balls of light streaking through the homes of contactees and abductees apparently are more frequent than many investigators realize.

"J.D. mentioned that one voice, a horrible voice, came through and claimed to be Beelzebub, the Devil. J.D. was convinced that the entity was simply trying to frighten away the investigators." (we wonder - Branton)

Aside from the 3-fingered, 7 ft. tall 'Crocodilian' creatures encountered by Brian Scott, there was another group involved in his abductions as well. According to Steiger:

"...The secondary group was composed of beings who were small, with frail bodies, milky white skin, large bald heads, thin lips, and enormous eyes... supposedly this group, perhaps from the sixth or seventh planets around the star EPSILON BOOTES, placed a satellite in orbit around our moon... the taller... entities from 'time beyond all time,' have the power to veto actions planned by those beings of the secondary world..."

In reference to the supposed 'mission' these creatures had chosen Brian Scott for, Steiger states:

"...Scott was to design a transportation technology that would move matter through space. He was to master quantum displacement physics and begin to develop a mind transference machine TO BE USED TO UNITE ALL HUMANS. Such a machine would help to develop a philosophy of cosmic brotherhood (as well as kill all personality, individuality and privacy among humans - Branton). The above tasks, of course, would seem impossible for a combination of Einstein and Superman, but they are typical of the type of grandiose mission(s) assigned to so many contactees and abductees."

"...The Master Ashtar appears in much of UFO contactee literature. One cannot help noting the ancient origin of the name Ishtar, Ashtar, Asta, described always as a god of evil and negativity in the Bible... Ashtar seems to belong more to the contactees than the abductees, but there are instances where those who claim to have been forcefully taken aboard UFOs describe an interaction with beings who represent themselves as emissaries of 'Ashtar's Grand Plan.'"

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