HANSON A DAY: April 2001

Sunday, April 1, 2001

Zac: Hello, and welcome to Hanson's official fan club...MOE. This is your enhanced cd. We'd like to say hello and-

ITZ: Nanoo-nanoo.

~taken from video clip number one on the Official MOE Enhanced CD



Llamaesque's "Always From Afar". If you are a devoted Hanson fan with access to the internet, we are sure you have visited Llama's extraordinary website. But if you haven't, run, don't walk to http://hansonfiction.com/llamaesque/index.html, for an experience in exceptional Hanson fan-fiction and intelligent commentary on the band unlike any other on the web. You will throughly enjoy the offerings of this gifted writer.

Monday, April 2, 2001

Taylor: Why didn't you call me? We went out one night. Everything went right. We got something started. It was gonna...it was out of sight. We had such a good tiiime. Hey. Why didn't you call me?! I thought I'd see you again. I really did. By the phone I wait. Staring into space. Thinking about our first kiss. Out on our first date. We had such a good time. Hey. Why didn't you call me? ::cries::

Zac: You know my number! I gave you my freakin' card!

Taylor: I thought I'd see you again. Thank you very much.

Zac: For the love of god, call - the - boy, on - the - phone!

~Taylor (& Zac) impersonates Macy Gray's song "Why Didn't You Call Me?"

Tuesday, April 3, 2001

"My personal definition of a pop album is not so much how well it did as much as how the music affects you - and also, the song themselves, because I think there are alot of great pop albums that nobody's ever heard."

~Isaac, Best Pop Album, The List, VH1

Wednesday, April 4, 2001

"I gotta tell you what's goin' on with the crutches here...we were doin' rehersal a little bit earlier and, uh, Zac beat me up! I'm gonna be honest, Zac kicked my a**!"

~Ashton Kutcher, Best Pop Album, The List, VH1

Thursday, April 5, 2001

Isaac and Taylor Hanson were seen smoking stogies at the Lost Highway Records showcase and signing autographs for female fans at the Four Seasons hotel bar. The duo ? especially Taylor ? was also rocking out to Creeper Lagoon and The Cult at the Revolver party at Stubb's.

~Hanson sighting at the South by SouthWest Music & Media Conference in Austin, Texas, "South by Southwest: Seen and Heard", Wall of Sound, Yahoo! Music

Friday, April 6, 2001

Crescentmoon asks: If you could interview a celebrity and only had 10 minutes for the interview, who would you interview?

Hanson answers: Bill Clinton. What were you THINKING?!?

~Hanson.net chat, 3/5/01

Saturday, April 7, 2001

"...and to round out our panel tonight, the third member of Hanson...girls, oh god, brace yourselves...say hello to Isaac Hanson!

~Ashton Kutcher, Best Pop Album, The List, VH1

Sunday, April 8, 2001

"Zac doesn't wake up until at least 3:00 in the afternoon."

~Taylor, TRL, September 12, 2000

Monday, April 9, 2001

Lovehitzalot asks: Just for fun, let's pretend you had to live out, in real life, the situations in one of your songs. Which song would you want it to be and why? :)

Hansons answers: Man From Milwaukee. Why -- because nag champa grows wild on Albertane.....

~Hanson.net chat, 3/5/01

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

Carson: So, I think you guys are gonna sing a little something for us - that's awfully nice of you.

Isaac: Yeah, we're gonna try.

Taylor: That's what they tell us - they're like, you guys got a guitar? - are you gonna sing something?

Carson: That's very cool. Usually when we book a guest on TRL they need, like, two weeks and - but Hanson's the real deal, man - they're just like, "yeah, we'll play, that's what we do for a living, we play music".

~TRL, September 11, 2000

Thank, Amanda, for the collage!

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Taylor smiles shyly and waves goodbye, Isaac knods and gives a polite "thank you", while Zac waves, flips his long hair and saunters out of the room.

~Allpop.com interview with Hanson, May 23, 2000, by Stephanie McGrath

Thursday, April 12, 2001

Paula Cale: Let me just say, I am so pissed off at you for choosing that (Michael Jackson's "Thriller"). Because you are a genius. You are a 14-year-old genius, okay?

Zac: Thank you.

Paula Cale: On that note, I've gotta say, I am so impressed with how knowledgeable you Hanson family are about the music. It blows my mind! You would think you guys were, like, 18. No, I'm kidding.

Isaac: Actually, I would like to say that I'm 19.

Paula Cale: Oh, that's right, you're right! Okay, so I could come onto you too and not...

~Best Pop Album, The List, VH1

TC attaches this picture she took in Melbourne, Florida, just for TLS!! ;o)

Friday, April 13, 2001

"A lot of kids were into them, but a lot of older musicians were too. They have a unique sound that gets to me. Unlike a lot of these boy bands, they play their own instruments, and their harmonies are impressive."

Robby Krieger, The Doors, Guitar World, May 2001

Thanks to Dawn for the quote and to Diane for the picture!

Saturday, April 14, 2001

"The most stupid question we've been asked is, 'How did you guys meet?' All you can say is, 'It was in the house. I came down the stairs one morning and Zac was there. We're brothers, moron!'"

~Isaac, TV Hits, June 2000

Sunday, April 15, 2001

"Look at all the original rock and rollers", Zac says. "Elvis Presley was barely as old as Isaac when he cut his first sides for Sun... teen-agers and rock 'n' and roll go together!"

~"Hanson: From Boys to Men", Cincinatti Post, October 12, 2000

Happy Easter, everyone! ~TLS & TC

Monday, April 16, 2001

"While stratospheric success can often sabotage young bands, the Hanson's are less interested in the cult of celebrity than in pushing their own creative envelope."

~Tulsa World, July 23, 2000

Tuesday, April 17, 2001

"Growing older can be blown out of proportion. Despite the fact that we're young guys, I think we're at a point in our life where getting older doesn't make much difference. Our minds have always been in the same place where they are now, with the focus on the music and just making the best records that we can."

~Isaac, "This Time Around, Hanson is Seeking Respect, by David Lindquist, Indianapolis Star, October 2000

Wednesday, April 18, 2001

GL: In what way would you least like to go?

Zac: Falling out of a plane into salt water with a bottle of vinegar and a grater slicing me up, then landing in the water and swimming for days and being eaten by sharks-that would be pretty awful.

~Zac, Girl's Life magazine

Oh, ZAC! WHAT an imagination!

Thursday, April 19, 2001

"The biggest surprise comes from, of all people, Hanson, whose soaring "Smile" approaches pure pop perfection. Even folks who hate "MMMBop" may find this gem hard to resist."

~"Music From Malcolm in the Middle", Reviewed by Jon Young for Newsday

Friday, April 20, 2001

However, everyone in the room knew that the night was all about the three brothers from Tulsa, Oklahoma. As soon as the lights when down the crowd went insane. The screams didn't stop until well after the show was over.

Michael Ruthig, SFX/Los Angeles, August 2000

Thanks to Rob for today's lovely pic!

Saturday, April 21, 2001

'We have a good relationship with each other, so we don't mind telling one another 'You're acting out of line.'''

Cinci Post, 10/12/00, Hanson: From Boys to Men

Sunday, April 22, 2001

"I think I enjoy Tulsa, OK because generally when we're there, we're not working."

~Zac, msn chat, 6/17/00

Monday, April 23, 2001

Hanson are one of the hardest working bands out there. And they smiled and gave their fans their best every second of the day.

--Michael Ruthig, SFX/Los Angeles, August 2000

Tuesday, April 24, 2001

"Music is something that's inside of you that you can't deny. Being a musician and being a songwriter is something where there's a lot of love and passion and it's inevitable, it's something that I can't not do. The music also gives you an opportunity to express yourself in a lot of different ways. Sometimes it becomes self examination. Sometimes you can resolve your own problems or difficulties by writing a song. There are emotions that you might have inside of you that you're maybe not sure what to do with. But if you put it in a song, it can help you deal with your own demons. Music has a lot of abilities to both identify and resolve your problems, it's also a love and passion that you can't live without."

~Isaac, "Portrait of Hanson", October 2000

Wednesday, April 25, 2001

"I like to say we're all smart enough to know not to fight, that if someone has a broken hand, you can't play. It definitely helps having people you trust and you enjoy their company a lot. Having friends around is really what it is. Not to sound too corny and Partridge Family-ish, but we really get along very well."

~Zac, "Catching Up With Hanson", Erie, PA

Thursday, April 26, 2001

And the band's on-stage musical presentation would give them every reason to feel proud. These boys slug it out, sweat it up and really can deliver the musical goods. Before the screaming fans, the brothers proved congenial hosts, rocking out at times, bubblegum-hopping along at others, but always entertaining.

September 19, 2000, REVIEW: Hanson brothers entertain with real musical talent, By Al Choman TIMES-SHAMROCK NEWS WRITER, WILKES-BARRE

Friday, April 27, 2001

After being asked if he was trapped on a deserted island, could he kill a rat and eat it:

"Of course. I'm from Oklahoma! You'd have to kill a lot of rats to get any meat."

Later, on second thought:

"I just realized I'm going to change my mind on the luxury item. I can't do rats. I'll bring a book with all the different kinds of edible plants."

~Isaac, Girl's Life magazine

Thanks to Teri for today's awesome picture!

Saturday, April 28, 2001

"It's all about going out there, performing live, making music. But, obviously, being a guy who has thousands of screaming female fans doesn't exactly make it less fun."

~Zac, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, October 8, 2000

Sunday, April 29, 2001

Hey Hanson, your new CD is great, my question is what is Runaway Run about?" (Maria 15, CA)

TAY: Runaway Run is a really really sad song first of all. Um, it's a song about somebody that is so in love with somebody And they've gone through this whole thing in their head And they're realizing that this other person is never going to return that, ya know, is never going to return that feeling, And they're saying I've gotta move on with my life, cause I'm gonna lose it, I'm gonna go crazy, cause they're never going to return it, And I've gotta get away from it, even though I'll never, maybe never feel the same way again.

IKE: He's telling himself the things he loves about her so much And all the things he thinks are so amazing about her, And then he says...

TAY: I'll always be there for you, but I know I've got to get away from you.

IKE: And I waited for you hoping that you'd come back to me And I waited for you" ya know "run run runaway run" And he's telling And telling himself "I've gotta just get away from this, I've gotta move on with my life because yeah.

TAY: It's never going to work out.

~Unknown chat

Monday, April 30, 2001

"It's kind of a vicious cycle we as musicians are in. When you're on the road, you're thinking about being in the studio and when you're in the studio you're thinking about being on the road. So, I am looking forward to being off the road because traveling can be kind of hard on you. But I really have enjoyed myself quite a bit on this tour and I don't think there's much I would say has been all that not cool. We've really had a good time and I always enjoy getting to play for people."

~Isaac, TeenStar, Kansas City

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