The Page Of
Hooray! I got  my lazy butt around to uploading images from my slow-as-a-tauntaun-in-heat computer. Anyways...

               The purpose of this page is to provide Gary with a visual representation of my love for him, something he can look at when I'm not around in the hopes of consoling him until I am. Something to show him how much I care, and also, something put here so that anyone and everyone who comes to my site can see how proud I am to be with him... yes, in other words, it's an opportunity for me to show off my fabulous boyfreind... but hey, if he were YOUR boyfreind, you'd want to show him off, too. But he's not. He's mine. So neener neener neener! :-P

Ok, now that I am *slightly* over the age of 3... Gary and I have known eachother for close to 5 years. We met via a mutual freind (Thank you, John!) and have been great freinds ever since. Eventually, that just progressed into something more. I love Gary very very much, and look forward to being with him for a long time. I am thankful for everything he does for me, and I will do my best to never ever take any of it for granted.
Look at the happy couple! ^-^
On your left, we have the Gary of the past, note the blonde hair of this elusive species... *cough* Seriously, tho, this is one of my favorite pics because it showcases his adorable smile really well, even if he doesn't think so.
Yet more 'old skool' Gary... I like this picture, too. I need more pics of us together... unfortunately, Gary is not here right now to help me resize more pics... stupid computer! ... And so further updates must wait for another day!
As a side note - See the silver ring on his index finger? He gave it to me when he asked me to be his girlfreind. It's on my finger right now. It is undoubtedly one of the best presents I have EVER received.
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