Jessica's silly lil shrine to Mikey  ^.^
         I'll be the first to admit I'm a geek who spends way too much time on a computer.  So it only makes sense that I would meet my umm... "density" (as Alison calls him), Mike, online through AIM.  We've been talking since September of '99, and strange as it may sound, our friendship grew to a mutual adoration of each other.  Enough to where we decided that we were a couple in April of 2001.
<3 big hugs for Mikey! <3
         Mike had expressed his little crush on me from the get-go... and it was really amusing when he'd get jealous of my crush-of-the-month :-D  But those were just that.  Silly little crushes.  I've never met another guy like Mike, and I tried to hang onto him as best I could :)  He's very sweet and not too obnoxious... pretty much the opposite of the other guy's I've fallen for LOL ^.~
         Mike and I share similar interests.  We both want to be animators, and we're both nutso over Japanese anime.  We trade songs and he tells me which anime to look into next.  I'd like to KICK him for giving me the Minnie May song from Gunsmith Cats though... LOL
          In my little dreamworld, I see us both ending up working for Disney, then we turn Don Bluth-esque, have our own successful animation studio, AND MAKE MICHEAL EISENER GO BANKRUPT!!!!  Mwuhahahahahaa >:D  No, really... I can see that happening :)  hehe
love you Mikey :)
         So what was the downfall?  Well I tried to be optimistic, but there is a little tiny bummer factor... He lives in New York.  I live in Ohio.  Eek.  Ten-hour driving distance separates us ::sniffle::  But we have met, and I'm way beyond happy :-D  And I don't think distance can really come between two people.  Emotional bonds are stronger than time and distance, I can attest to that.
         Though we've broken off our "relationship," Mike will always be one of my best friends.  I love him, and I don't think that is ever gonna change.  Perhaps someday, if Alison is right and destiny takes over... we'll be together again.  For now though, I'll just cherish his friendship and smile.
Me and Mikey... sorta :-D
<--- Our lil online personas.... Sailortsukino and QuatreGdm04... They're whining 'cause they MISS EACH OTHER!! :)
Mikey in California
Mikey and his sister Lisa
My latest pictures of Mikey ^.^  The one on the left is with his sister Lisa.  Theone on the right was taken while he was in California visiting his dad.  I WISH HE'D JUST COME VISIT ME!! lol <3
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