Hurricane Ridge
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Hurricane Ridge and visitor's center

Since the weather was gorgeous Sunday morning, we left the 
campground at dawn to take a ride up to Hurricane Ridge.
Take Hwy 101 towards Port Angeles, then our westy
climbs the twisty road up to Hurricane Ridge.
hurricane_2.jpg (44078 bytes) Two lane road
climbing up to
Hurricane Ridge.
hurricane_4.jpg (114787 bytes) Native
out of a 
on hillside.
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Another view of the ridge.

At the top, there are great views of the high alpine ridge
in the wide blue sky. Top of the world sensation.
We have a picnic in the westy overlooking the ridge, 
and then hike the meadow and forest trails.
In the distance, one can hear the blue grouse, making its 
low hooting mating call.
The ranger mentioned that the snow pack was less than normal
due to the dry winter this year.
On the way back down from the Ridge, had to slow down
for a bobcat crossing the road.
In the distance, through the haze, could see all the way to
the Dungeness Spit, where we camped the previous night.

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Alpine forest
by the ridge.
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 Red blooms on rocky cliff by the trail. 
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View from parking area by mountain visitor's center.
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On the way back down, a glimpse of Dungeness Spit
and Sequim in the far distance. 

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