If you live in east Texas, these photos may get a "duhhh" out of you. My usual stomping grounds are Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Missisippi, though, so these features stand out amongst my travels.
You are now entering Smith County. Certainly not unusual. The next sign -- "Left Lane for Passing Only" -- differs from those I've seen elsewhere, however. In much of the rest of the Southeast, "Slower Traffic Keep Right" is the standard wording.

Most unusual of all: any stretch of highway devoid of dumbasses who ignore this rule. That would have to be the Twilight Zone. Or Germany's Autobahn.
Tejas Highway Photos
unusual singage from the
Lone Star State
Smith County
Alternative fuels sign
Here's one you don't find just anywhere: a sign announcing the availablility of alternative fuels, at exit 527. In the home state of Big Oil no less. And, yes, there is a follow-up directional on the exit ramp to reassure the LP motorist that he is not about to have to rely on the ol' Chevrolegs to make it home.

In the background: the standard brown highway sign for state parks and state agribusiness concerns, this for the Texas Freshwaters Fisheries Center.
a few high-res
Texas water tower
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