Gold Font Corner Frame
Tutorial .. Page 2.

29. Click on the "Layers Option Pallet." Layers Options Pallet We have 3 layers, "Layer 1" [the transparent layer], "color Layer" and the "Border layer."

30. Add a new layer and name it "Corners." Click Ok. We are going to make our Border Corners out of a Font letter. I have used the letter "G" in the "French Script MT" font. If you wish to use a different letter, that's fine.

31. Click on the "Text Tool" Text Tool and when the "Text Options" box opens up, choose the following settings. "Font=French Script MT; Size=48; text color=Beige [foreground color]." Click ok.

32. While the "Marching Ants" are still around the letter "G," position it on the white background so that it is easy to see. Deselect. The "Marching Ants" will disappear.

33. Repeat step 31 and and when the second letter "G" appears, go to "Image/mirror" and the second letter will reverse itself. While the "Marching Ants" are still active, position the second "G" so that it is adjoining the first. We now have our first corner. Deselect. The "Marching Ants" will disappear.

Now to save your work again. Go to "File/save" and your work will be updated in the same name of "Gold_frame.psp."

34. Click on the "Magic Wand Tool," Magic Wand Tool open your "Tool Options Pallet" Tool Options Pallet and choose the following settings. "RGB Value; Tolerance=0; Feather=0."

35. Left click on part of the double "G's" and the "Marching Ants" will surround them. Go to "Image/effects/sculpture" using the same settings as before. The "G's" corner will become a rich "gold color." Deselect.

36. Go to "Image/rotate/rotate right=45 degrees." Click on the "Mover Tool" Mover Tool and position the gold "G's" in the top right hand corner of the "Borders."
Now to save your work again. Go to "File/save" and your work will be updated in the same name of "Gold_frame.psp."

37. The "Layers Option Pallet" Layers Options Pallet should still be open. If it is not then Click on it to open it. We have 4 layers, "Layer 1," the "color Layer," the "Border layer" and the "Corners layer."

38. Right click on the "Corners layer" heading and in the "Options box" that pops up, left click on the word "Duplicate." You will not see anything happen as the "Copy of the Corners Layer" will overlap.

39. Go to "Image/mirror" and the "Copy" will shift to the left top corner.

40. Turn off the bottom 3 layers, [Layer 1, color layer and Border layer] by clicking on the "small glasses" to the right of the headings.

41. Go to "Layers/merge/merge visible" and the "Corners layer" and the "Copy of the Corners layer" will merge with a new heading called "Merged."

Now to save your work again. Go to "File/save" and your work will be updated in the same name of "Gold_frame.psp."

42. Right click on the "Merged Layer" heading and in the "Options box" that pops up, left click on the word "Duplicate."

43. Go to "Image/flip" and the "Top corners" will be duplicated on the "bottom" of the Borders.

44. The 3 bottom layers are still "turned off." We need to "turn on" the "Border layer" by clicking on the "small glasses." This leaves the 2 bottom layers "turned off." Go to "Layers/merge/merge visible."

45. Right click on the "merged layer" heading and when the "Options box" pops up, click on the word "Properties." Rename the merged layer by typing in "Border"

46. Turn the bottom 2 layers on again by clicking on the "small glasses" and the "red crosses" will disappear.

47. We now have 3 layers. "Layer 1 [transparent layer]," the "Color Layer" and the "Border Layer."

Now to save your work again. Go to "File/save" and your work will be updated in the same name of "Gold_frame.psp."

48. All PSP Frames are on a transparent background otherwise they will not work. We need to remove the white "Color Layer" which was only placed there to see our work more clearly.

49. Activate the "Color layer" by left clicking on the heading. Then left click on the "little Rubbish bin" that is in the Top left hand corner of the "Layers pallet." When the "Options box" pops up and asks if you want to remove the layer. Click Ok.

50. Make a copy of your finished "Gold Font Corner Frame" by pressing "Shift+D" keys together. Save this copy of the "Frame" to your hard drive in the ".psp extension" so that you can place it in your "PSP Frames" collection later. [See the tutorial on saving Frames to PSP on this site].
Go to "File/save as" and save your copy of the "Gold Font Corner Frame" in the name of "goldfont_frame.psp."

51. Open a graphic that you would like to frame. Click on your "Crop Tool," Eraser Tool and crop it or go to "Image/resize" and resize it to W=350 x H=350.

52. While the graphic is active [heading is colored blue], go to "Edit/copy." Now go back to your frame and left click on "Layer 1" heading to activate it. Go to "Edit/paste/paste as a new layer" and the graphic will appear behind the frame.

53. Go to "Layers/merge/merge all flatten" and you will have your finished work.

54. Go to "File/save as" and this time save your work in a ".jpg extension." You could name it "gold_frame1.jpg" in case you wish to frame some other graphics.

Congratulations! You have finished this tutorial. I do hope you enjoyed completing your frame.

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This tutorial is written by Harold E. Jones.

Other than for personal use, No part of this tutorial maybe copied or reproduced on any other Web site without permission from me, the author.
Harold E. Jones - Copyright � 2001-2002.

For further information, please E-mail me.

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