US must receive the same answer, as was given by the people of the world when they invaded Vietnam


The Gulf region has been occupied by hundreds of thousands of massively equipped US and British solders. In the next few days or weeks the Imperialists are going to start a war against Iraq to gain direct control of the region and Iraq.

In the next few days or weeks the biggest crime against humanity so far in the new century is going to take place. Thousands of Iraqi children will die, thousands of Iraqi solders are going to be cut in pieces and enormous of civilians will be the victims of the most modern military equipment. Millions of women and children will become homeless and vagrant in the frontiers. The countdown for the start of the war has already been started. Perhaps by the time that you are reading this statement, you could hear the mourning of thousands Iraqi women on the bodies of their children or their beloved. Or you could see the pictures of mournful men and women over the war ruined country and the bodies of their beloved. 

This war is as much for democracy and overthrowing Sadam as invading Afghanistan was for overthrowing the Taliban and the liberation of the people of Afghanistan. The Iraqi people hate Sadam but they hate Sadam creators too. Sadam’s rule was strengthened and supported by the imperialists.

The excuses of US imperialism and the other imperialists are so absurd and shallow that no one would give himself the trouble to prove their shameless lies. Even the media cannot deny the real deal behind this war: domination and the military control of the world by US imperialism, control of the world’s oil reserve and especially that of the middle east and now Iraq. They want to re-organise their old collapsing system.

If you want to find out about the real goals of this war and its real outcome for the people of the region, you can have a look at the people of Afghanistan after the US military invasion. Millions of the people in Afghanistan are suffering from poverty and misery under the rule of warlords and the reactionary Islamic forces with a new imperialist cover. 

The necessity for a New World order not only is war and invasion but also violating the democratic rights of the people in the west.The Imperialists want nobody even breathing without their permission and nobody protesting against the horrible and criminal conditions that they have created. The poverty and misery that have swallowed millions in the last decade. The outcome of this policy is more poverty for women of the world, unemployment and more mortality for women, in the New World order that has given rise to the new regional wars all over the world, the women have been its first victims.

We should have no illusion about the disagreement between the imperialists. The opposition of some of the European countries such as France and Germany with the US is not really the military invasion of Iraq, but they are worried about their own interests in Iraq. And if the US promises them a big piece of the pie, they would not delay a minute to take part in this war. As they collaborated with theUS in the Gulf war and in the military invasion of Afghanistan.

Freedom lovers, awake the conscience of the people!

If you don’t wish this new hellish order to dominate the world, join the ranks of the struggle against the war!

If now your hearts beat for millions of Iraqi people, join the rank of the struggle to stop this imperialist war!

If you see this war against the interests of the people of the world particularly the people of the Middle East, join the ranks of the struggle against this war!

If the pictures of thousands of bodies of Iraqis for the dirty interests of oil companies brings up your anger, don’t be silent, with your cry and protest show your hatred and disgust in any form!

Turn the war against Iraq to a war against imperialists. Anger and hatred against imperialists and their crime is not enough, this hatred and anger must be turned into protest and struggle!

Join the protests against war!

The presence of each of us in these struggles against these crimes would empower and intensify the flood of struggle!

8th March of Women Organisation (Iran and Afghanistan)     -Feb 2003



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