Death’s vultures are flying over Iraqi’s sky again!


Thousand’s of women, children and Iraqi’s youth are thinking about the death, and homelessness and devastation nightmare right now. Thousand’s of Iraqi’s are looking forward to protesting around the world against this American war of aggression. Thousands of villagers and hardworking Iraqis have learned the name of different lands and people around the world; they are following the news about people protesting against this imminent war of aggression on Iraq and solidarity with themselves.

US Imperialism wants to be the only boss of the world, and has started an unrestrained aggressive war that could be compared only with barbarity. One of the most important basis to become the master of the world is to have the control over the Middle East oil, thus they want to stabilize oil pipe’s route with thousands of people’s blood. They want to occupy the Gulf area directly to fulfill their crimes, and organize the government like colonization.

Today is Iraq’s turn and tomorrow will be the rest of the world. Nobody will be safe from their crimes!  Before thousand of innocence human turn to ashes in this aggressive war, before Baghdad and Basreh ruin and thousands of Iraqi’s women and children refuge, we must resist against this imperialists brutality. Today the attendance of every one of us in the fighting scene and our objection to America and its coalition aggression to Iraq, works to protect and defend thousands of human being!

Let’s stay against American aggression to Iraq with all our forces. One more time show that no border could separate worlds oppressed from their freedom!



8 March women organization (Iranian, Afghanistan)




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