Tell the Americans that we have suffered enough pain and trouble, destruction and sadness.

~ A vagrant from Kabul.




Put yourself in the position of those people who are under attack from cruise missiles at night!

Put yourself in the position of those who have lost their loved ones in a matter of seconds due to US bombardments!

Put yourself in the position of that mother whose child has been torn to pieces!

Put yourself in the position of that girl whose semi-destroyed home is now completely destroyed!

Put yourself in the position of that vagrant woman behind the border crossing with the warm body of her child gradually turning cold!

Put yourself in the position of a woman that for years had a cobra named Taliban put over her head and today is faced with the horror of death!


These are the real results of this horrific aggressive war, waged by the US, Britain and their other allies, and inflicted on the people of Afghanistan. The biggest terrorist of the world, together with other small and large terrorists, with their powerful military apparatus has cowardly attacked a small and weak country. They have used high tech weapons against a very poor country to turn the most destroyed country of the world into a complete ruin. This is the logic of this reactionary and unjust war!

The real gangsters appear on television and beat out the rhythm of war.

These professional criminals want to scare the people of the whole world with their threats to carry out their most hated actions. The most arrogant gangster power of the world wants to hide its vulnerability and stop further challenges to its rule over the world by massacring the people of a small country.

All of these are carried out in the name of “implementing justice”, “the liberation of the people of Afghanistan” and “the liberation of the women of Afghanistan” – all are sheer lies.

The implementation of any justice by the operators of this horrific system, which is the cause and source of all the injustices in the world, could not even be imagined.

The biggest patriarchal state in the world, which has repeatedly supported the most anti-women regimes, such as the Islamic Republic of Iran and the regime of the Taliban, has never had any sympathy with women in Afghanistan and never will.

Those who nurtured the reactionary forces, such as the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden, to safeguard their own economic and political interests and to pave the way for these forces to take power, did not have any sympathy with the people of Afghanistan and never will.

Today, it is still the people of Afghanistan who must pay the price for changing the old servants for the new. The new have the same nature and character as the old and will have nothing better to offer the women and men of Afghanistan.

We must unite to fight against this aggressive war before thousands and thousands of innocent people are turned into dust in the flames of this war of aggression and before the ruins of Kabul, Ghanhar, Mazar-e-Sharif, etc. fall on the heads of the hungry children. We must stand in front of this imperialist bullying. All over the world we must organise the peoples’ resistance against this war. We must set up a powerful movement, the seeds for which were laid all over the world the day after 11th September, and only by the further development of this movement can it challenge these war mongering imperialists and smash their arrogance.

The women’s movement has always been an important part of anti-war movements and has time and again stood on the front lines. Iranian and Afghanistani women can and must play a special role in this movement because they have suffered a lot and have on many occasions become the victims of the unities and rifts between the “modern and civilised” enemies and medieval enemies [within Iran and Afghanistan].

Freedom loving men and women! This is a horrific crime against the people of Afghanistan and a historical disgrace. It is the duty of all freedom loving people to fight against the war.

Organise against this imperialist aggression all over the world by any means possible.

Join the anti-war movements in defence of the oppressed people of Afghanistan, and join in vast numbers to these struggles because no border can separate the oppressed peoples of the world on the path to their emancipation.


Eighth of March Organisation (Iranian and Afghanistani)

8 October 2001


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