All writing, page design,
TEXT-header images and text
was done by me unless
otherwise mentioned.

They cannot be copied or
duplicated without my prior
consent due to copyrights.


If you are unfamiliar with
what a copyright is, or have
questions in regards to it,
this is an excellent page
you may want to look over.

10 Big Myths about
copyright explained


There are many images on the
web that have no identification
attached to them.

I would like to thank the artists
who made those and contributed
them so that we may have images
for our web sites.


My sincerest thanks to all the
composer's and sequencer's of
midis, for all their work,
since without them we would
have a silent web.


I have done my uttermost to
secure permission for use of
any copyrighted material that
is used on this site.

This also pertains to link
persmissions I have acquired
from Webmasters.

Should there be something,
on any of my pages, that is
copyrighted and does not
indicate it I applogize.

Please notify me by mail. I
will remove it or add a link
and credit upon proof of
ownership or copyright.

You will find my E-mail
address at the bottom
of THIS page.


The Rest Stop is a
non-profit, non-commercial
web site and was designed for
the entertainment of
visitors and edification
of the internet.


I have worked very hard
to be sure the content of these
pages remain as such; however,
I will not be held responsible
for the changes that may be made
by the Webmaster's whose pages
are linked to mine.



be kind to your

fellow webber

and do not be a




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