

Love and Blessings

*I hope this brings a
smile to your face*

"Thinking of You"

The days of cloud or sunshine
The moments that we share
The timely word, the thoughtful line,
The note that says "I care"
Mean more to me than I can say,
So it's time, I think, you knew
How much it brightens up my day
To have a friend like you!

When I think of you what comes to
mind is all the great times we've shared.
You're one of those special people
who make life worth living
because you've taken the time to care!

When I feel a little blue
The easiest thing for me to do
Is remember that things really can't
be all that bad when I have wonderful
friends like you!

I haven't written you lately
So I just thought I'd drop a note to say
That I often think of you, with love,
that I think of you every day!

Though many miles may separate us
I feel close to you in my heart.
Though I can't reach out and touch you
I feel like we're never apart!

If only you were right here with me
to chat, to smile, or to reminisce.

I miss you very much!
Here's for you a special Kiss^i^

A Smile and Roses Go Together!

A smile cost nothing, but gives so much.
It enriches those who receive it,
without making poorer those who give it.
It takes but a moment, but the memory
of it sometimes lasts forever.
None is so rich or mighty that he
can get along without it,
and none is so poor but that he
can be made rich by it.

A smile creates happiness in the home,
fosters goodwill in business,
and is the countersign of friendship.
It brings rest to the weary,
cheer to the discouraged,
sunshine to the sad,
and it is nature's best
antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought,
begged, borrowed, or stolen,
for it is something that is of no value
to anyone until it is given away.
Some people are too tired
to give you a smile.
Give them one of yours,
as none needs a smile so much
as he who has no more to give.
Author Unknown

This page is dedicated to our friend FRECS



I share these heartfelt words,
with all my wonderful online
friends, who are always in my
heart and hope you do too.

It was made by and came from
two sweet angels who are always
there to lend a helping hand
and encourage others.




copyright 2000, 2005

The beautiful midi below
brought us a dear friendship,
across many miles, in 1998/99.

Midi playing is Rachmaninov's
opera 43 (4/1/1873 to 3/28/1943)
on a theme from Paginni.
Original composition sequenced
by d'bassman


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