Eagle on High

At From where I stood and scanned the blue,

I saw five, great Eagles up in the sky.

But still I knew there was at least one more

Waiting on the ground for his chance to fly.


I met him first many years ago

He was only a Bear Cub way back when,

But even then I saw a gleam in his eye

And Eagle was a prize that I knew he'd win.


So with quiet pride I watched him grow

And did my best to help him when I could.

As he earned each badge and earned each rank

I was pleased with how tall and proud he stood.


He learned to use a pack, a bow, a rifle, and a paddle

And now we stand as Brothers in the Order of the Arrow.

He showed his strength and demonstrated courage

When he climbed Philmont's trails both steep and narrow.



From his humble start in Cub Scout blue,

To stand before us now so proud and regal,

All those who've gone before and all those yet to follow,

Are glad he made the grade and soars on high as an Eagle.



Composed for

Russell Ray Roberts'

Eagle Ceremony

July 12, 1999


Michael D. David

Assistant Scout Master

Troop 750

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