I Watched an Eagle

I shot an arrow into the air

And it fell to earth I know not where.

But, I helped set a boy upon a path,

I watched him cry, and I heard him laugh.

I watched him grow, I watched him learn,

I watched him fail and I watched him earn.

I watched him struggle with wrong and right,

And saw knowledge dawn like a shining light.

I watched his feathers grow so fine,

Knowing soon would come the "testing time".

I wondered, would he fly or would he fall,

When he tried to answer the Eagle’s call?

He spread his wings and looked to the sky,

Which beckoned him, "It’s time to fly!"

He leaped from the nest with wings unfurled . . .

And soared above a whole, new world.

Yes, I watched him as so tall he grew,

And pushed the limits of what he knew.

Many helped him shed his earthly shrouds,

And of this Eagle, we are justly proud.

Yes, many who helped, both cursed and cried,

As they walked with him to this day of pride.

But the prize is his, and it is fairly won,

Ah, but remember proud Eagle, your journey’s just begun!

Composed for

Kenneth Wayne Davenport’s

Eagle Ceremony

September 15, 1996


Michael D. David

Assistant Scout Master

Troop 750

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