Kurt Grote arrived at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California in 1991. Seven years later he succeeded at the world championship 1998 in Perth, Australia (1. 200 m breaststroke and 3. 100 m breaststroke).

Grote constantly fine-tuned his technique which is typical for a breaststroker. Breaststroke is technically the most difficult swimming stroke - with no other stroke you see so much variation between swimmers. The key element of good breaststroke swimming is based on the principle of short axis rotation: Pulsing motion with your chest, similar to what you see with butterfly swimming.
Drill to learn wavelike swimming (breastroke, butterfly)

1. Start as a torpedo
Stay long and streamlined to carry your gliding speed faster and farther. Grote is just over 6 feet tall (183 cm), but he starts each stroke with a fingertips-to-toes body line nearly 9 feet long 274 cm), and streamlines to slip that line through the smallest possible "hole" in the water. While gliding in this position, lean on your chest enough to feel as if you're gliding "downhill." This helps to let your legs float (center of gravity above center of lift). The straight arms are just below the surface. This helps cock your hips so they're ready to rock forward in the short-axis body rotation that generates the power that drives your stroke.

Your head should be as close as possible to its natural line, which means you'll be looking down, with your head low between your arms (arms close to your ears).

2. Press to a Y
Never pull your arms back in breaststroke. Virtually every inch of your pull is sculling movements (outsweep-insweep-motion of hands and forearms, and mind the angle of attack of your palm).

After completing your extension and glide, continue to lean on your chest and elevate your hips while sweeping your hands out to a Y position. Don't apply too much pressure here. Scull as if your hand, wrist, and forearm were a blade. Try to anchor your hands in the water - as if there were a rung to grab - and draw your body toward your hands. Again, concentrate on keeping your head in line with your spine.

3. Spin your hands in
As your hands reach the Y position, lift your elbows toward the surface. Your elbows should stay at the eye line. If you use your high elbows as a hinge for the inward sweep of your hands and forearms, you'll create the leverage you need to use your abdominal muscles to bring your hips forward. Once you begin the in sweep, scull your hands directly back toward the front. When you do it properly, your hands complete all their sweeps in front of your chin. In phase 4, the fingertips point in the forward direction. "I always keep my hands as far in front of me as possible," Grote says. "Most swimmers pull back too far; when they think they're only sculling, they're actually stroking the right way."

4. Breathe with body lift
Don't lift your head to breathe. Keep it in the same position at all times. "When I get it right, it's almost as if I could swim with a neck brace on," Grote says. As your hands squeeze, they lift your shoulders up and forward- Grote describes it as a "shoulder shrug"-and your torso lift carries your mouth clear of the water. "I move my whole body as a single unit, including my head," Grote says.

5. Begin the lunge
Your head has reached its highest point, and you're still looking down. Your arms are finishing the inscull by squeezing into a compact line. Your hips are also at their best point for using them as a platform to launch your upper body forward as you kick. In the wake of your body start to bring the heels close to your buttocks. Don't bend your hips, only your knees. Think of your body as a bow and arrow. "Your body becomes a bow that stores energy in your hips; in the next moment it becomes an arrow as you dive forward and release the energy from the shoulder end." Keep a low, narrow profile as you get set to dive forward.

6. Dive forward
This is where you maximize your stroke length. The angle of re-entry is critical to creating the greatest possible wave length. Keep your head and shoulders hunched low as you finish your insweep, so your angle of re-entry is shallow, causing your momentum to channel forward. Return your hands to their full extension before your face re-enters the water, and make sure the crown of your head follows your fingertips forward.

The dive is supported by the kick: The knees are not wider than the hips. Before you start the kick with a whip like motion of your lower part of the leg flex your feet and turn them to the outside.

The potential energy created by lifting so much of your body mass above the water on the insweep is converted into kinetic energy going forward. If your hands stall under your chin, or if you aim downwards instead of forwards, you'll sink instead of driving forward.

7. Streamline again
Complete the lunge by returning to the long, streamlined, downhill-sliding position you started in (arms close to the surface). Squeeze your body from fingertips to toes into the longest, sleekest torpedo position. If you slice just inches below the surface, you'll avoid more drag, since drag is far less just under the water than at the surface.

8. The last word of a champion:
Keep your stroke in shape with drills. "Nothing puts my stroke right as quickly as stroke drills." In fact, 10 minutes before he went off the blocks for the world championships final in Perth, Grote was in the warm-up pool, getting in a few last minute tune-up lengths with stroke drills. That's clearly a strategy that works.

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