My Funny Munchkin
In these pictures I am with my Princess.  Edlira Maku.  Edlira and I have been seeing each other for about nine months and have always gotten along great!!

We met in July of last year one week before the Business Expedition 2000.  As I was travelling through Canada and Mexico City my thoughts were on this cheerful and beautiful woman with whome I had merely spoken for less than five minutes.  Since then our relationship has progressed beautifully.   

Our relationship began in the best way that a relationship could begin.  We were really good friends who could talk about anything for a long time before we were ever a couple. 

We have had many wonderful memories, some of which include dinners on Sunday, Bowling on Saturdays, Rapelling, Swimming, and WaterSkiing in Mexico when I took her home with me to Mexico for Christmas Break.
Gruaja Ime Shqiptare
Look at those smiles!!
Edlira is Studying Phycology and I am studying International Business.  Together we speak five languages fluently and we are each working on another.  She is learning Arabic and I am learning Mandarin Chinese to bring the total to seven. 
This is an Albanian / Italian dinner we did
Friends From Our Ward
We keep life interesting by always finding time to do fun things together and in groups of good friends.
From rapelling to waterskiing to roller blading, to movies and driving lessons we always have plenty of activities to keep us occupied.
My Graduation from Ricks College (BYU-Idaho) is just one example of how she always tries to be by my side during all of the significant moments of my life.
My Fiance at the Visitor's Center in Salt Lake City.
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