written and typed by Gus Hegge
      One day Jeffery and Bob were walking to school. This is a story of what happened that day.
    It was an ordinary school day for Jeffery and Bob. Since it was an extra chilly morning they put on their coats. On their way they ran into the school bully. His name was Butch.
    The two boys were in an extremely bad mood and would not tolerate Butch. So they coolly said, �beat it Butch�. Butch didn�t like that very much. So he said, �pay up�. Now Butch wasn�t that rich so he spent most of his hitting kids up for cash. By that time Jeffery and Bob were getting tired of Butch, so they said that they�d give him to the count of 3.Butch just stood there.
    When they got to 3 Butch charged. They sidestepped and close lined him. He flipped and landed on his back. After that they tied him up and threw him into the middle of the street. They started walking and finally got to school.
    They looked at the door and there was a sign that said �SCHOOL CANCELLED�. �Perfect�, said Jeffery. �Just as we planned�, said Bob. They ripped off their coats revealing spy suits. They took out their grappling hooks and launched them onto the roof. They climbed onto the roof and took out some chains. Then they took out another grappling hook. After that they attached the chains to the grappling hook.
    They hooked it to something sturdy. Then they both took the chains in one hand and removed the sky light with the other. They counted to 3and when they got to 3 they jumped off the edge of the skylight. When they got to the bottom they let go of the chains and put on their spy gear. Here are a few of the things that they put on.
    Spy wristwatches, sunglasses, and jet/grappling hook backpack. When they were done doing that they took out some chains, ran up onto the ceiling, activated their magnet shoes. They ran forward until they came to some guards. The guards couldn�t see Jeffery and Bob until it was to late.
     Jeffery and Bob had tied the guards up in chains. The two boys dropped from the ceiling to the floor and were trying to open the door that the two guards were guarding. It was locked. So Jeffery put his wristwatch up to the door and pressed the secret button that activated the laser. The laser had burnt the lock so that the door would open. When they opened the door 3 guards popped out. With some tranquilizer darts from his watch, he was able to put the guards to sleep instantly.
    After that Bob tied them up in chains. The two boys stepped over the sleeping bodies. While they were walking through the halls they accidentally stepped on a trap door. At about half way down Jeffery and Bob launched their mini grappling hooks from their watches. For a while they hung there until finally the cabal broke. They then fell into a dungeon.
    They were trapped like a cat in a hat. The dungeon had a stone floor and iron bars. Jeffery activated the laser on his wristwatch and cut a hole in the bars. When they got out at least 30 guards were standing there with their pistols out. The boys took out some chains. The guards started shooting. Jeffery and Bob dodged bullets until the guards were out of ammo. Then while the guards were reloading the two boys started tying people up. Once everyone was tied up they looked for away out.
    There were two doors. One to the left and one to the right. Bob took the left door and Jeffery took the right door. When Jeffery got to the right door he found that it was locked. So he used the laser on his watch to burn the lock. Bob�s door was locked too. So he took out some of his mini dynamite sticks and stuck them in the keyhole. Stepping away he activated the dynamite sticks. That blew the doorknob right off the door.
    Jeffery opened the door and 3 guard popped out. Jeffery took out some chains and tied them up. Bob opened the door and stepped through into a hole. While he was falling he turned on his magnet shoes. He tried to get out, but a net dropped down trapping him totally. Jeffery was doing nicely until he tripped. Then steel clamps clamped him down. Then the tile he was laying on started moving down. It was an elevator. The net Bob was in went to the same room that Jeffery was in. The two boys said hi and then burnt their bindings and looked around.
    Just then the evil principal stepped in. Jeffery and Bob hid. The principal stepped into an airoplane. It lifted off. Jeffery and Bob stood in the clearing and launched their grappling hooks. The grappling hooks got stuck and the airoplane carried them away. Jeffery climbed up the cable, burnt a hole in the bottom of the airoplane, and climbed through the hole. Then he burnt a hole for Bob to climb through. When Bob got through the hole Jeffery and him tried to open the door. �Locked�, said Jeffery. Bob took out 3 mini dynamite sticks and put each on one hinge of the door.
    They stepped back and pushed the button to blow up the dynamite. Jeffery pushed the door, reveling 4 guards. These were no ordinary guards, they were ninja guards. Jeffery shot them with tranquilizer darts and Bob tied them up. Then they threw them out the door. They came to yet another door. Jeffery burnt 20 holes in the door and then Bob fiiled them with mini dynamite sticks.
    They stepped back and blew up the dynamite sticks. After that the door pushed over easily. Then they faced the evil principal. When the evil principal saw Jeffery and Bob he pushed a button that opened a trap door. Jeffrey said, �That was pretty easy�. Then they looked through the trap door. He was floating. He had a parachute. Jeffery jumped down through the trap door and activated his jetpack. Then while airborne he took out some chains when all of a sudden 3 fighter planes came out of nowhere. Jeffery flew onto one of the planes fuel tank. Then one of the planes shot at him. Jeffery flew off, but the bullet kept going. It hit the fuel tank and blew the plane up. Luckily the person flying the plane had a parachute. To destroy the next plane Jeffery landed on the fuel tank of one of the planes. Then he burnt a hole in it. The fuel started to leak out and the plane started to fall. For the last plane he took the pilot right out of the plane and tied him to the plane he was flying. After that Jeffery was gonna attack the principal, but he landed. So he went up to get Bob and then they went back to battle the principal. When they landed the principal took out his ninja yardstick. Jeffery and Bob took out chains.
    Then the evil principal started to charge. Just as they had done to Butch they stepped aside and put their arms out to close line him, but he ducked and hit Bob. Bob flew back and hit a wall. That made Jeffery mad so he shot darts at the evil principal. They had no effect. So he whipped him until you could see red marks on his arms. Then he tied him up and went over to see Bob.
    He was relived because Bob was all right. Then the boys went home. It had been a long day and they were tired. So they went to bed.
copyright 2004 by August H. Hegge
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