Jessica, Leana, Vanessa, Angela, Monika and me, Heidi.

Sunday morning and it's cool, the fog is lifting. It's 8am at the corner of Beale and Howard street, it's relatively quiet. We easily find a place to part and start getting ready. As we have a cup of coffee, we see a few parade floats being brought to the staging area. Then brightly costumed people begin to arrive. The energy is building.

The sisters of perpetual endulgence and others begin to gather and mill about the staging area.

Me and Joy, Brianne and Monika, VC Sorority Girls: Me, Kalani and Jessica. More and more gather as the excitement builds. Everywhere you look, people are hugging and busily working on the floats!

Vanessa, Me and Jessica ready for FUN!!!

Janis, Ally and Stephanie Ann pose for a group shot before the parade.

I get a quick picture with one of the show-girls in the parade! Great Costume!

The Parade is Starting!!!I'm ready with my Bubble Gun but Nicole needs to get up on the float!!!Talk about energy peaks!!!

We round the corner and begin the parade along Market Street. Before us, lining the street, one million on-lookers, cheering and waving. The moment has arrived and the smiles cannot be stopped. Jessica and Angela carry the banner as Vanessa, Annie, and many other SGA members lead the TGSF float along the parade route.

SGA Cheerleaders lead the way! Hey Angela, turn around, you're going the wrong way

Di Di, TGSF Majorette, center stages the way, Leading us all down Market Street. Whatta Gal!

Bubbling my way along the flank side of the float. TGSF Rocketship float shines in the afternoon sun. The day has cleared and overhead a pair of jets sky write. What a festive day!

Nearing the end of the parade, we approach the final turn. The moment has nearly passed and the excitement still glows within. We all wanted to do it again.

The Civic Center was a buzz of activity. Here I am at the official San Francisco Gay Cheerleaders booth. They offered me an audition for the 2000 Olympic Cheerleader Squad going to Sydney Australia this summer.... hmmmm tempting!

The advantage of allowing people to take pictures of you, is the obligation they have to pose for a picture WITH you.


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