High in the mountains North of Mt Shasta stands a memorial to the Veterens of the Vietnam war. It is here that I have spent many hours reflecting on the friends that I have lost in this period of history. The memorial is garnished with many art pieces that reflect the aftermath of this period.

Not more than 10 minutes from my home in the vacinity of Mt Shasta, nestled in a forest. Quite the contrast from the High desert that this memorial stands. The views here are spectacular and the serinity is magnificent.

The art figures that dot the countryside here depict scenes of domestic readjustment for those that returned and memories of those left behind

Happy thoughts and dance are pleasant memories of home. A lighter side exists everywhere in life.

We pass on a part of ourselves to others as we touch the lives around us

Thank you for spending a moment with me. I hope that you reflect on those you have loved and lost and remember the happier thoughts that they have shared with you. That is the real reason we build memorials.

One year later, 1999. Me and my T-girlfriend Michelle from Sacramento, share some fun at the Vet's Memorial.


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