I am a Proud Member of the Vanity Club Sorority, as of March 9, 1998
Member VC141

This award is for providing valuable resources for the GLBT Community, pride and equality in self and community spirit AND for good use of graphic design. I am so proud to be recognized for all this!!! July 2000

This award was presented to me for "outstanding work in the GLBT Community. June 2000

This site has been Awarded the TGNI Award for

Transgendered Excellence! November 2000

from Transgendered Network International

This award was presented to me for my contributions to the transgendered Community. September 2001

I was selected as one of the top ten "Celebration of Feminine Beauty" for the month of June, 1998. Check this site out! I was so flattered. ;-)

My Website was awarded the "Website of the Month" for March 1999. Check out this fine online magazine, I now write for them as the Pacific Northwest Events Reporter.

I was awarded T-Bride for the Month of October 1999. Another T-Girl internet recognition.

Awarded Most Friendly T Lady August 2000

I'm the Gallery Girl for October 2000!

I'm proud to be a "Fairy Grrl". This means I still see through the eyes of a child and my transpiritualism is fully awake. This is a shortcut link to Heidi in Fairy-Land.

I wrote occassionally for Michelle's Mid Day Break Trendsetter Newsletter. Check my articles in #17, #19, #20 and #21,+ "Marsupial Tucking", "Fashion Trends", Pleasurable Passing" and "Legs, Legs, Legs".

You can find me in the Membership Profile and other photo sections (Satin Dolls, Wedding Day, Back to school Pictorals, etc...) within the Transgender Forum, Just visit their site.

I had the privilaege to meet My Vanity Club Sorority Sister, Vickie Rene in 1999 in Reno, Nevada. She has graced me by including me within her fabulous website feature, "Prettiest of the Pretty. Thanks sis.

Vickie has given me a pictoral in her Group Galley for "Vickie's Vixens" Sorority.

Kevin has done a very nice pictoral of me on his "Models" gallery

Another award and a wonderful pictoral on me in the Favorites gallery!

Another award! This time for all my links to other wonderful Transgendered Websites. We're all in this together girls!

With grateful recognition, this directory has given many of my new friends their way to me.

I am a very caring and empathetic girl. I appreciate being treated like a lady and being respected for the woman I have become.
Hugs and Kisses to Michael, Thomas, Chet, Matt, David, Gerry, and Donald. Thank you boys.

I am currently a Big Sister to many new coming out T-Girls. I find that sharing my experience with others very rewarding. I always make time to help my little sisters.
Hugs for Diane, Danni, Joellyn, Jessica, Candi, Jenny, Leeyha, Jess, Sherryl, Jennifer, Agent S, Joselyn, Alexis, Debra, Jasmine, Vanessa, Angela, Harmony and Daryl

My Fe-mail
[email protected]

Thank you for visiting.
Love, Heidi ;-)

Kiss my lips to return to Main Page.

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