Hi. I'm your Cruise Director. Welcome to the Dignity Cruise XI. Sailing from Houston Texas to Cancun, Cozumel and Roatan. Aboard the Norweigian Sea for seven days of FUN! November 14-21 1999

After seeing "Titanic", I had this thought the entire cruise.

We left Houston at 5pm and proceeded to leave Galveston Bay. Everyone was on the sun deck watching a magnificant sunset. Clear skies and warm weather ahead. After exploring the ship, we met the others in "La Bistro" the upscale restaurant on the top of the ship. The food was spectacular and we quickly bonded with the 30 in our group.

First night and smooth sailing afforded us a wonderful nights sleep. Up early and so many choices of where and what to EAT! More exploration of the ship and we found a little "hide away", just above the "basketball court, at the rear of the ship. A little sun deck to sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee and watch the horizon... opps... and one basketball overboard, adrift in the Gulf of Mexico.

That evening, the first formal dress event, Monika and I ready for dinner, then along comes Gail, in a party age 84

Terri and I in the Cabaret room enjoying a little picture taking before the show, and later Monika and I in the "Owners Suite"...High class!!!

The next morning we arrived in Cancun Mexico. After a nice breakfast, we boarded a tender (little boat..three decker complete with bar and BAND) We raggae'd all the way to shore and enjoyed some shopping and beach walking. A very enjoyable day.

Returning to the boat at night was awesome...the seas were a bit rough as we were helped on board by the crew.

None the less for wear, we partied on that evening with a fabulous dinner in the Seven Seas Dining Room, then relaxed to listen to the wonderful music in the Cabaret.

Monika and I caught during the comedy show, and later Gail and I having a drink or three... How many have we had???? Party on girls...

Terri, Sherry, Monika and I up on the pool deck for Caribbean Night enroute to Cozumel

Another very restful nights sleep, and we're in Cozumel. This time we were able to pull up to the pier. We went out to have breakfast on the pool deck and when we looked up, there was a HUGE Cruise ship pulled up next to us... this was the biggest ship we'd ever seen! Later to find out that the passengers were complaining they would get lost and, the food was terrible. Not our ship, it was juuuuust right! Had a wonderful breakfast and then went into town and did a bit of shopping. We met up with some of our group and took a taxi to Canna%^*# park. We did some snorkeling. It was wonderful!!! Had a snack and headed back to the ship.

Back at the cabin sharing what??? a "Moscow Mule" Gails specialty. Sherrie and I recounting the days activities. One of the girls told the story how she was adjusting her mask to do a little snorkeling and looked down in the water, and saw one of her breast forms floating by... quickly catching it... Yeow...

We arrived in Roatan, Hondorus around 9am. The weather warm and clear. we got together with several of the girls and rented two Jeeps on the pier. The adventure began as we were told that we needed to buy gas...(?) OKay... Little did we know that due to the recent Hurricane that passed through, there hadn't been any delivery that month. As we forged ahead, looking for a gas station we quickly discovered none had gas. After traveling to the West end of the island the other Jeep ran dry. Looking in the back, Terri discovered the complimentary siphon hose. Utilizing some bottles, Terri pulls up a mouth full of gas from our Jeep...oh, there goes her makeup... what a gal! After several bottles, we realize Jeep number one is very low on fuel too. So the adventure continues... Needless to say, it wasn't long before our good attitudes and fun spirits were rewarded by finding the necessary fuel to continue. Traveling to the Eastern side of the island we found "Fantasy Island" a resort, and had a wonderful lunch and enjoyed the beach.

Back on the ship and once again..EATING. Nothing get's by this group, word got out that we were celebrating our 27th anniversary, and oh my, a cake and all the waiters sang Happy anniversary to us...

Jill Richards and me. Ready for the Captain's Formal Dinner. Jill had performed in the passenger talent show impersonating...guess?

The evening was filled with high fashion. Terri decided to see if blondes have more fun...

The obligatory group picture. Dignity Cruise XI

The final night of the cruise, so many good-byes. Our group once again to have our final feast in the high class "La Bistro". We were'nt dissappointed. Yummmmm

Thank you for visiting my cruise page, please stay around and check out my other pages. Sharing these transgendered adventures are for YOU. Come out and join us on the next cruise... November 20-24, 2000 From LA California to Catalina Island and Ensenada Mexico, then in 2001 to the South Pacific for a 10 day cruise. Click on the "SHIP" below to find out the details.

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