<BGSOUND SRC="imagine.mid.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Giving Thanks
I've always believed that when someone touches your life in a positive way, you should be Thankful. When someone does something for you, be Thankful.
I am Thankful for all the many people that have touched my life in a positive & loving way..
This page is for all the little gifts of friendship, love, support and so much more.
This page is dedicated to all those online friends,
who have touched me, I love you! :)

My first online friend I met, his name I
will say is "Joe".. I thank you for showing me
my way around, opening the door to the net for me, and
I thank you for being so special to me. You helped me to see that
all those sayings about people online aren't
always true. There are some very wonderful people
here in 'cyber space' :)

To all of you wonderful 'angels' online,
that I've met through words of wisdom,
words of cheer, and pages dedicated to
truly make a difference, Thank you.
You are truly making the net a better place!

To all of my more recent friends, the
Fraidy Cats" Family, Kelly, Chris, Wintrhart, Spirit,
Donny, and many others, I thank you from the very
bottom of my heart. In times of need, you always
showed you cared, and gave a shoulder. Also, a
wonderful new friend, DarkPrince ;)

To more recent friends I've met, who have touched
my life, and my soul, by being the wonderful spiritual
people they are ~ Two Feathers, Winterwolf, Whispering Tears, Barbara, Cattaha, Bill, Spirit, and many others, I bow to you, in respect, and will always cherish you!
Thank you.

To all of those wonderful special Angels,
who are in need, and are trying to gain
help, knowledge, or a friend, via the internet,
Blessings to you & may you find that in which
you are searching for..

To a very special friend, Kelly, who I met
as a member of a wonderful group of woman, I will
always hold you in my thoughts, and know that you
are also very special to me..

Most of all, I thank the Great Spirit, Creator of all things.
For blessing me with my gift of love, and allowing me to share it with others..

This page created with love, December 13th, 2001

If you would like to Thank someone who has also touched you
in a special way, let me know!
I  will include whatever info you'd like to share.
Just email me with the info and I will add it for you!
If the person is someone special, who has passed on,
you can do a dedication, and a Dove or Angel (your choice)
will be next to it.

Love & Blessings,

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Music Playing is "Imagine" by John Lennon (Beatles)
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws