Welcome To The Wonderful World of Drugs

How To Pick Your Drug(s)

Name of DrugTypical Method of UseRelative Level of AddictivenessRelative Risk of Jailtime (or counseling)
if you're caught
NicotineSmoked,ChewedModerateNone to slim (depending on age)
AlcoholDrankModerateNone to slim (depending on age)
Speed (Meth)Snorted,Smoked
  • Gas
  • Glue
  • Markers
  • NyQuill
Vapors Inhaled
Vapors Inhaled
Vapors Inhaled


A stimulant, but often used to calm nerves. When your body isn't used to the drug you feel a slight dizziness and a general slowdown from ciggarettes. (could be from the smoke, or the lack of oxygen..) I would assume similar effects from snuff.


A depressant with disorienting effects. In large doses an example is 'the spins'. Your body isn't moving, yet feels as if its spinning on an axis in the center of your body. In smaller doses, its a social "lubricant".. lowering inhibitions, and giving you a generally "better" feeling making it easier to socialize, get laid and start fights. Quite popular with people who need to escape their doldrums, but don't want to break the law (aka: losers).


Classified as a depressant, and in large amounts, as a hallucinagen. The name of the actual drug that creates the high is Tetrahydrocannibanol (THC). Marijuana is often smoked, giving the user a 'high'*. The effects from this high can vary from person to person, from disorienting effects similar to alcohol, to munchies, to the giggles :) Needless to say, it could make you seem kind of stupid to (sober) others. For example, staring at string, and wondering how its made, when most people would just overlook it, take it for granted, and never give it a second thought. Another widely known effect of Marijuana, is 'the munchies'. The THC reduces the users blood sugar levels, causing them to feel hungry shortly after use, even though they might not be.

A very popular drug, and for a good reason. Easy to obtain, cheap and plentiful, its very popular among drug users, since they're usually poor from doing so many drugs.


A psychadelic. Said to be more visually intense and in general more of a 'trip' (meaning more irrelevent visuals) than ACiD. I haven't gotten a chance to seriously try Shrooms yet. More on the effects once this has changed.


Another psychadelic, but more of a physical feeling than Shrooms. I'm sure they're different for everyone, but i will attempt to describe some of what i feel. If you can, imagine feeling sensations from maybe 1/8 a second before to a 1/8 a second after touching something. Another personal effect of mine, when i walk up or down stairs, my lower legs feel about three feet long :) In addition you get hallucenations, mostly mild (depending on dosage). Seeing things that aren't there, or seeing them differently. The overall experience is much like experiencing a dream. Your imagination seems to make drifting thoughs come to reality.

Speed (Methamphetamines)

Often taken to provide motivation, speed (among its many other names) gives the user a surge of energy. What the user then does with that energy can vary. Sometimes its used for fun, mischief and other shenanigans, my experience shows that its most often used for cleaning. Giving you an un-quenchable thirst to move, cleaning is often the result when you're not an especially violent person.


Similar to speed (although not technically a member of the Meth family) Cocaine gives you a surge of energy, more often leading to the shenanigans mentioned above (perhaps it has something in it which heightens agression?)


Said by some to be better than sex. When smoked, crack makes you feel absolutely stinking wonderful. Short, extreme high. I've heard it's not very physically addictive, but is mentally because it feels -so- good.


Smoked or injected, Heroin has a way of making all the problems in the world disappear. Notorious for side effects (vericose veins, tendancy for suicide, junkie-ism) the benefits always seem to outweigh the drawbacks, at least to the user. If you've got nothing to lose, then this might just be the drug for you.

Household Items

The cheapest and probably the easiest to attain of all "drugs", household items can be a great way to start down the road to rockstar status. Gasoline (usually kept for running the lawnmower) can provide a nifty light-headedness when the vapors are inhaled. Many things you can buy over the counter can provide a high like spray paint (or just about anything in an aerosol can) or butane, although these methods have a slight tendancy to be fatal...

*Note: a 'high' cannot be fully described with words. It's much the same way as sex. You can not express the experience with words. For it to be truly understood, it has to be done.
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