Psycho minds, psycho crimes

A psycho place, in these psycho times

Music for the shattered soul | A beginners guide to doing drugs
SeX | Suicide

Welcome to the newly updated ChaoticSanity. This new look for the site has been in the works for some time now, and is finally getting released for you to enjoy. Isn't it pretty? :) Although the content hasn't changed much, it will happen with time.

Since life sucks we need ways to cope. Here those ways are addressed. So far, we've got music and drugs up.. have a look. More to come, once i can come up with what they are ;)


- Latest Updates -

-Holy shit, three years later, and another update. Never thought it would happen, but it did.
Filled out the drug descriptions.
Several small cosmetic changes.
-Added new distortion to Nine Inch Nails section.
-Added Nine Inch Nails concert review.
Entire site has gotten a major overhaul in the way it looks.
-Added content on drugs.
-Added MP3 to music section.
This is the re-birth of Chaotic Sanity

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